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Contesting Flygon


Breeder Contestant
Okay, I am working on making a Trapinch/Vibrava/Flygon, for Contests, and I was wondering, What pokemon would be the best to breed with Trapinch to make it learn, Rock Slide and Double Edge. I can breed the Trapinch multiple times, I just want it to know those two moves. ;328;


Breeder Contestant
*goes back to Trapinch's page on Serebii's pokedex..* Dang.. Well, if I took an Emerald game and had the Trapinch learn the Emerald Tutor moves Rockslide and Double Edge, then brought that Trapinch into Ruby (or breed it in Emerald to make another Trapinch) Could it learn it that way?


Shadow Amongst Light
*goes back to Trapinch's page on Serebii's pokedex..* Dang.. Well, if I took an Emerald game and had the Trapinch learn the Emerald Tutor moves Rockslide and Double Edge, then brought that Trapinch into Ruby (or breed it in Emerald to make another Trapinch) Could it learn it that way?

Trapinch can't learn Rock Slide and Double-Edge through breeding.

There are no loopholes in something you can't do in the first place.
Tutor moves will never breed unless they are listed as egg moves.