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contests and battles!

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Really and truly
Sweetie. Darling. Dearest.

It just may be wise to real the rules before posting. The Rules of SPPf itself, as well as those of the FanFiction section. Not to mention that you should read all the threads that say 'Sticky' next to them before posting.
Who knows? Maybe it will help you.
Help you refrain from receiving a ban, too.




Currently active.
What adventure? All I see is one pathetic sentence. I highly suggest you read the fic rules, and advice for aspiring authors, followed by another read through fic rules. Maybe you'll be able to type a semi-decent fic, instead of gibberish, if you do read through the rules, and advice threads.

The Terror of Death

Active Member
what most ppl do, even newbies, they post a little prologue, but u only posted like 3 words...u couldve at least posted the prologue with ur little name for the fic


Really and truly
its a fan fic its the name of the show
>< Go. Read. Rules. You'll see what you did wrong.

To change the name you need to ask a Mod.

The Terror of Death said:
what most ppl do, even newbies, they post a little prologue, but u only posted like 3 words...u couldve at least posted the prologue with ur little name for the fic
It's isn't what most people do. It's what you're SUPPOSED to do. It's what the RULES REQUIRE YOU TO DO if you want to keep your thread open.

>< Go and read. NOW.



Currently active.
i know im just the co-writer and i know my spelling is bad

The co-writer of what, blank space? I see no fic. You have not posted a fic. There is no fic in this thread.

Read the rules, and then the fic rules, and if you still don't understand, read them a second time.


you were the one.
Spelling as little to do with the current situation...

You're supposed to post actual fanfictions here, i.e. stories you've written up that are at least consisted of a few paragraphs, normally, which is what you didn't do. Try looking at other threads here and notice the difference. o_o


Really and truly
i know im just the co-writer and i know my spelling is bad

You don't understand. You need to read the rules. NOW.

Co-author? Fine. So, co-author, where is your Prologue? Or Chapter 1? Or One-Shot? Or whatever you have written?
Three words is not an excuse. Being a co-writer is not an excuse.

And having bad spelling can be easily fixed if you actually made an effort.
OR if you type on Microsoft Word. Bet you never thought of that genius idea.

Read. Rules. Now.
No. Joke.



An Ode to the Fallen
Okay, here's a tip for Freezing Sapphire:


Where's the substance? The plot? In this case, where's anything?! Make a Prologue, a Chapter, a Catch-Phrase, something, just as long as it's not another excuse as to why your not posting anything. If your going to make a topic with a title, and an idea for a fic, it would be a good idea to actually post the fic and not type one sentence about nothing.

Your topic is a waste of time and is pointless. I suck at writing fics (really I do), but at least I actually post something! So far, you have no fic! You cannot call this your fic, because no one see's a fic here. Stories aren't just 3 words. Is the Lord of the Rings just 3 words that say: Hobbits are hobbits? No.

You could have some potential with this if you have actual content, but so far, I have lost all respect for you. Tell me when you decide to ACTUALLY write something, and I'll check it out. Until then, leave the board, and dont post fics if your not going to post the fic itself.

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