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Mayness Yayness!
I was just thinking that it would be cool if part of the new theme park thing was a contest hall. It would be great to see contests in great graphics and I cant really see why not. Plus you could use the wii controller for the dance part, so what does everyone think?


The Lost Mareep
I was thinking the same thing. I mean a new advanced Battle Frontier would be awesome too, so a contest hall to boot? I think we'd have a winner.


Kyogre Trainer
^Completly agrees^
A 3d BF and contest hall, how could Genious Sonority go wrong with that?
Seeing pokemon perform their moves, and dancing for you on-screen would be great. Maybe for the dance portion you could use a DDR pad...I would like that.


Mayness Yayness!
^Completly agrees^
A 3d BF and contest hall, how could Genious Sonority go wrong with that?
Seeing pokemon perform their moves, and dancing for you on-screen would be great. Maybe for the dance portion you could use a DDR pad...I would like that.

lol that would be cool, but Nintendo would probaly rather show of the wii's built in features


The Lost Mareep
Meaning new ways of dancing :D.

I never had Emerald too so it would be awesome. Remember the Deoxys movie? It could be something like that BF! I looooved that place.


Well-Known Member
I actually thought that contests would be in Gale of Darkness as they're such a big part of the Pokemon games now. The new ways that you can accessorise your pokemon in Diamond/Pearl would work really well on a console game.

Shadow Phoenix

Shady Trees On Fire
I think it would be cool.

Solar Crimson

A Crimson Tide
Cool idea, but I doubt Genius Sonority would actually go through with it.


Pokemon Collecter
I'd love to have the contests on a game like this. I'm not a great fan of contests at the mo, but with these graphics, I'd probably get interested in them. :)


The Lost Mareep
There's a pyramid in the fullview shot of Pokétopia, maybe it IS a new BF! :D
omg thers a pyramid? where?

EDIT: woah, to the very left thers a shed or sumthin that looks like Regigigas :D
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The Lost Mareep
Here I got you some pics.





A pyramid can be seen to the far right of Pokétopia and others are in the background to the left on the first arena, meaning a possible Battle Frontier style area.

There is also indeed a Regigigas to the left and a Dugtrio to the right.

Finally, there may be a Battle Tower or a lighthouse judging from the world map, as seen below:


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