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Control Freak! (198)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Control Freak!

When Ash & Co. meet up with an archeologist, they find out that she is looking for a Mask and Sceptre that are said to be able to control any Pokémon. Team Rocket however overhear this and want to get it first. Can Ash & Co. Stop them?

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Team Awesome
Jessie's the queen! It's about time somebody noticed. LOL, just kidding. This was a pretty interesting episode. Ego trip episodes (like season three's "Fortune Hunters") can be a lot of fun to watch. :D The funniest parts had to be Jessie making Meowth dance, and also Pikachu shocking Jessie again and again. It's also great to see Golbat evolve into Crobat. It's weird how Brock had Zubat for three whole seasons, then it evolved twice in one year.


when i saw this episode i just stared at the TV and said to myself "man this is weird,but i like it"


Saiyan-Human Warrior
I saw that Jessie was a Queen .But she cannot attend that she must be here in contral Area .Otherwise, the pokemon controled by her were free .Finally ,Jessie and James are punlished by 100K V electricity from Pikachu. All pokemon are safe.


*The Water Warrior*
Jessie really made a fool out of herself by thinking she could easily control Pokemon.

I agree completely, i thought she got her just desserts at the end was she mistakenly thought she could control pokemon everywhere, but the ending was the best part. I mean this was'nt one of my favorite epiosodes but it was ok.


Well-Known Member
A good episode congrats to Golbat for evolving into Crobat. I'm surprised they didn't feature Psyduck in this episode to with Misty saying "I know i'll use Psyduck, Psyducks' to stupid to be controlled." followed by Jessie controlling Psyduck and actually having it use it's moves on the gang with Misty yelling at it.


I have returned.....
Jesse's making a fool out of herself as the queen because when Ash's Pikachu goes outside the border, it attacks her! She's not good enough to rule all of the Pokemon and getting rid of all the attacks when one leaves the border. Plus, I loved the way Brock's Golbat evolved in the battle because it can't catch up with TR. I realized it was all the way from when it was still a Zubat........


Well-Known Member
Jessie as the queen was funny, and the whole boundary thing was good, especially Jessie's stupidity with trying again and again.

And James' I'll go down on one knee tickled my funny bone, although I doubt anyone else found it funny.

And of course, seeing Crobat was awesome 8D

Blue Snover

Cold as ice
This was quite a funny episode, especially when Jessie realised that she could only control Pokemon inside a small area.