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Coolest Cipher Admin

Coolest Cipher Admin

  • Ardos

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • Eldes

    Votes: 19 32.2%
  • Gorigan

    Votes: 8 13.6%
  • Snattle

    Votes: 3 5.1%
  • Lovrina

    Votes: 19 32.2%
  • Greevil (not exactly an Admin, but so what?)

    Votes: 3 5.1%

  • Total voters
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I don't know!
Who do you think is the coolest Cipher Admin in XD? I like Ardos. Greevil is just freaky. Techically i don't like any of them very much. They really should have kept Mirror B. :( But of course he is cooler as a Wanderer :)

BTW, i'll upload a poll.
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I have to say Loverina


He's an ape-man wielding a wrench, what's not to love?


Floored said:
He's an ape-man wielding a wrench, what's not to love?
He scares me, that's what. -_-; My favorite Admin from the game would have to be Eldes, somewhat of a complete opposite of Gorigan. He's composed about everything, in essence a cool customer.
I like Gorigan the best. Ignoring the fact that Ardos plays a huge part in my Fic, Gorigan is a pretty frightening guy. He could kill you with minimal effort, and without losing sleep. He also is determined to prove himself to the world, given his desire to impress Greevil.

I also like Ardos a lot, too. Why else would he play the main villain in Part Two of my Fic? ;)

Eldes is also cool, but mostly when he's with his brother(and father). Alone, he's a bit dull.....

Greevil is the same as Eldes, cool with a group, boring on his own.

I flat-out hate Lovrina. She's ugly, she's weak, and she is NOTHING compared to Lady Venus. Not to mention, she is dangerously thin and a complete priss.

Snattle is one of my favorites as well. Self-confident, a capable battler, a capable Admin, and has excellent Pokémon. Yes, just yes.

The 8th Champion
I love all of them. Seriously...

But if I have to choose, I'll go with Deathgold (Greevil for those that can't live without dub names... :rolleyes: ). Since those characters were WAY more developed than the Colosseum ones, I'm looking at how they relate with Deathgold. And I have such an excellent set-up for upcoming chapters of my Fan Fic. You'll see how Deathgold met all of them, and why they stick up for him. That's established throughout a few spread chapters, but it's more emphasized WAY later on, so I better shut it or I might spoil a lot...

He might not be a very interesting or cool-looking fellow, but Deathgold has a few interesting traits, and this bond he has with his people is something that amazes me. This something he did to tie on such a diverse group of people is very interesting...


i´m a Manga-ka!
who is the coolste?
Lovrina!!!!!!!!!!! She ist cute..so pretty and absolutely cool!
Lovina 4ever!!!!!!!

Flame Haze SnS

Eldes, he's cool


one love
If I were a girl, I would probably want to marry Ardos. I find him that awesome.

Yeah, my mind is twisted. *contemplates a sex change*


Gorigan. One, because the way he enters the battle is pretty cool, and He's got good Snadow Pokemon.
Lovrina: A weird, babyish, stick puppet. Thumbs Down.

Snattle: When I first saw him, I suddenly preferred Ein. With my sister's mention that he looks like a girl, my vision was complete. Another weird grandma-looking freak. Thumbs Down.

Gorigan: Make way for t3h human ape! Like Floored! said, he wields a wrench. His pokemon are another example of the Earthquake team. Anyway, when you face him the second time around, I don't know if I can guarantee you'll be crying. I didn't. Thumbs Up.

Ardos: As mentioned in my fanfic, Orre Shadows, he looks old, with that evil look and all. Yet, his Pokemon are easy pickings, like Alakazam. Thumbs Down.

Eldes: Man, I wish I Snagged Salamence! Well, I'll just have to wait until Miror B. finds him. He looks cool, and he's a good person to go with that. Thumbs up.

Greevil: Well, he's the leader, but seeing as people are talkin' 'bout him, i'll post my opinion.

His battle name is just cool. Grand Master Greevil, sounds like something for a rap against Sneasel :D. Anyway, his look. It's absolutely EVIL! Fiendish yellow eyes, an evil grin, and kickbutt Shadow Pokemon... put into a package, they combine for one great villian. Thumbs WAY up.
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Eh, ragazzo!
~*Commander Blizzard*~ said:

I flat-out hate Lovrina. She's ugly, she's weak, and she is NOTHING compared to Lady Venus. Not to mention, she is dangerously thin and a complete priss.

Snattle is one of my favorites as well. Self-confident, a capable battler, a capable Admin, and has excellent Pokémon. Yes, just yes.

The 8th Champion

You don't like Lovrina, ~*Commander Blizzard*~. I though Lovrina was cute with those green eyes. And what's wrong with being thin.

I like Snattle, however. The weird scientist guy roxors. But Gorigan has Poliwrath, and Poliwrath + breeding + King's Rock = Politoed, so my opinions are somewhat shifting to Gorigan. My vote went to Snattle, however.
psychic politoed said:
You don't like Lovrina, ~*Commander Blizzard*~. I though Lovrina was cute with those green eyes. And what's wrong with being thin.

Well, there's a differebce between being skinny(Snattle) and being so freakishly starved that you can't move for fear of snapping in half(Lovrina). You're right, though, her eyes were rather cute.

On an unrelated(sort of) note, did anyone else find the introduction music to the Bosses incredibly cool? No, I don't mean the battle music(which was OK, too, but a bit too soft for evil Admins, IMO), but the introductory tune before it. I just liked it a lot, for some strange reason.

The 8th Champion

Tropical Spirit

YAY! Original>You =3
The Dark Knight said:
Lovrina: A gay, babyish, stick puppet. Thumbs Down.

Snattle: When I first saw him, I suddenly preferred Ein. With my sister's mention that he looks like a girl, my vision was complete. Another gay grandma-looking freak. Thumbs Down.
You're a moron. You make me cry. You use a stupid IRL immature teen slang that's offensive to some people (welcome to an anime community) and is againt the rules here. :<. Thumbs WAY down. :(.

And Snattle skinny, ~*CB*~? Rofflez. XD. I don't think so.

Anyways, my fav is Eldes. He's so like me it's scary. o__0. (mostly in physical appearance) Plus, he's cool. :D
...I would totally marry him or something. :x
Tropius Master said:
And Snattle skinny, ~*CB*~? Rofflez. XD. I don't think so.
Um, yeah o_0. Looks darn skinny to me. He dresses strangely, though, so I can see how you would find him fat. Sorta...

The 8th Champion

Pokemaníaco Desesperado

Normal Coordinator
Well, since Lovrina is the only thing that will make me buy Pokemon XD instead of Shadow the hedgehog, it's a bit obvious who I'd vote for ;P.
~*CB*~ said:
Well, there's a differebce between being skinny(Snattle) and being so freakishly starved that you can't move for fear of snapping in half(Lovrina). You're right, though, her eyes were rather cute.
There are other caharacters that worry me more in that sense, look at May, Azami and... gardevoir, they look that hey're going to break in a certain point.
The eyes... heh, that's funny, when I saw Raburina here and there (I just saw her before in the video where I get my gif from), I disliked her a bit (that's probably because of the eyebrows), but well, that was before, thanks to pokésho's image (which I've used as a "bridge") I like her face now. Yeah, they're cute, but she doesn't look so young anymore.
I edited my post and voted for Eldes.
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