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coolest rivals


Yeah, ok!
Harley was probably the most entertaining overall. He was the only rival that brought a smile to my face every time he came on screen.

Gary/Drew/Shinji are good too but the comedic Harley takes the cake over the others.
Yep, whenever I see Harley, I smile as well. When I look at him in a picture, I can just hear that voice he has. xD Harley is awesome.

And of course, I like Drew. But I like Harley just a tiny bit more. But Drew's hair catches my attention. I love green. x3

Gary was cool too. I just watched "Attack of the Prehistoric Pokemon" the other night On Demand, with him in it. =]

I haven't seen much of Shinji, since I haven't been keeping up with the D/P series, but I guess once it comes out in the U.S, I'll see about him. He does seem cool though.


King of pirates
shinji is awsome but tyson is better.


Drew. His critical and "Modest" behaviour was cool.


King of pirates
he is powerful but his flygon lost to a baby squirtle so since may has a Blaiziekin he is not that cool.

~Shadow Vulpix~

Active Member
I'd have to say Gary and Shinji. However, I do like Drew and Harley a lot too.

De HotShot Mon

Smack Down time
The coolest rivals are Shinji and Drew


Emperor Coordinator
Coolest contest rival=Drew
Coolest gym rival=Shinji


Turnabout Pokemon
Heh, from the look of this thread, it seems that Shinji is one of more frequently voted rivals. It's good to see the fans recognize what an awesome rival the guy is. I'm really looking forward to his next appearance, maybe more than any other character.

It's funny. I used to wish Gary would come out more often and battle Ash, yet that didn't happen until the end of the Johto season. In a way, Gary never did reach his 'rival potential'. I did love how he drove Ash to do better and the episodes featuring him in Johto were some of the best, but I really wished that more exciting battling had happened between the two.

What do the rest of you think?


Well-Known Member
It's funny. I used to wish Gary would come out more often and battle Ash, yet that didn't happen until the end of the Johto season. In a way, Gary never did reach his 'rival potential'. I did love how he drove Ash to do better and the episodes featuring him in Johto were some of the best, but I really wished that more exciting battling had happened between the two.

What do the rest of you think?
Gary was kind of wasted IMO. We didn't really see him that much. They should have made it like the Games, in which, Gary appears a few times. Also, they should have a battle or so.

It looks like their changing it with Shinji. Which is good.


Turnabout Pokemon
Gary was kind of wasted IMO. We didn't really see him that much. They should have made it like the Games, in which, Gary appears a few times. Also, they should have a battle or so.

It looks like their changing it with Shinji. Which is good.

Yeah. Gary's lack of frequent appearances and not battling Ash for a very long time was definitely a flaw of the first season. When compared to Ash's new rivalry with Shinji, it really does feel like the writers missed the boat with Gary. Don't get me wrong, the guy is still high up on my list of favorite characters...but... it really does feel like they could have done more with him. Plus, it hurt his character when he was sent off to become a Professor, which is something I felt was more of an excuse to get rid of him for AG rather than something that was developed and built up. I just never saw him as the researcher type. Oh well.

Speaking of which, wasn't Gary supposed to come back for Sinnoh? I really hope this isn't just the writers screwing up continuity again. It might be cool to see him up against Ash a few more times in the series. I'm hoping that they are saving him for future episodes instead of just forgetting that he was going to go to the new region.


King of pirates
shinji will be a be a better rival ash hates him so ash will do better.
gary fought Ash three times if I remember correctly. One when Ash came back from orange league, one in Johto league, and the latest one in before leaving to Shinou.


King of pirates
none of the mathches got interuppted.


Team Awesome
My personal favorite is Morrison. I didn't know what to make of him when I first saw the season eight pictures on the sight, but I've grown to like him since I saw his episodes. I don't know if it's the high energy or the personality, but Morrison has just been a runaway favorite.

Of regularly recurring rivals, I like both Gary and Drew.

Crystal Clair

Well-Known Member
Normally I'd say Harley
But I'd have to go with Shinji
I dont usually have interest in Pokemon battles but I watched his one closely.
*is a Shinji fangirl* I love his badarseness. And he seems so invincible and strong.


Well-Known Member
Shinji hands down. Total awesome-ness.

Shiny Venusaur

Internet Relic
i would say Gary, hes cool, had good pokes, and made you keep training to beat him