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coolest rivals


King of pirates


I'm a slasher!
No Saori? Biased. ;)

I am the official number one fan of Saori, and I will always be one. :p :)

That being said, my favorite rivals are the constest rivals obvisously with Gary and Shinji being tossed in the mix.

Saori's good, it's a shame we didn't get to see alot of her.


Ash fan girl! Cute!
Saori's good, it's a shame we didn't get to see alot of her.

Maybe will get to some of her if the specials ever come around. Yah she was cool, one of my favoirte female rivals. On topic my favorite rival is Shinji, his badass attitude rocks!


Yeah, ok!
Saori was the first main female rival, but she wasn't an ongoing one like Nozomi is so she doesn't really count.

She's just a league rival on par with guys like Morrison and Tyson.


King of pirates
Saori counts as a rival.

Shinji will always be my second favorite rival but Gary is my favorite.