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Coordinater Party - Everyone Joins!

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Always Friends
Heya guys! I felt like making a Coordianter type Fic, but I have a great idea: Let's make it realistic! I don't wanna make other contestants just lose, or skip their matches and go to the main characters. In this one, you can be one of the contestants, and we make our own outcome. Give it everything you've got! After this is finished, I'll post it in the Completed Fics, get a Mod to close this one. Then, we'll have a Fan-Fic that anyone could have been in! There will be more tournaments... if this one finishes well, and you cooperate. Now, I would suggest experienced Fan-Fic owners, that can really flesh out battles!

Now this will be anime-like. YOU MAY USE ANY MOVE COMBO, AS LONG AS YOUR CHOSEN POKEMON CAN USE THEM!!! TMs, HMs, Level-Up moves, Move Tutor, Baby Moves, anything! But your combo HAS TO HAVE a Level Up move in it. I don't any Surfin' Ice Beamer Swamperts, OK? It needs a hereditary move to sound normal. Hey, May doesn't use any TMs!

Ok, now you have to really flesh it out, at least two or three six sentence paragraphs.

Wanna be a Coordianter? Apply for it!

First and Last Name:
Age: (12-38)
Gender: (Male of Female)
Pokemon: (3.)

Pokemon Invalid:
Unown... Legendaries... Dratini Family.

I don't want anyone having the same Pokemon...

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