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corny, corny very corny

DS lite man

Well-Known Member
whats the most corny thing that you've ever seen on pokemon. for me it' on the right place and the right mime prof. oak: (reciting a pome )when friends go on a journey who do the bring pikachu thats who pikachu


Yeah Baby!
whats the most corny thing that you've ever seen on pokemon. for me it' on the right place and the right mime prof. oak: (reciting a pome )when friends go on a journey who do the bring pikachu thats who pikachu

That doesn't make sense


de cold & de sorrow
once Misty had some pop corn, that was pretty corny, hahahah.....hahaha.....ok thats very corny

Evil Azurill

RIP Maddie
I think ALL of professor Oak's poems are corny. But that's part of why I love professor Oak, I guess. xD
When 'Brother my Brother' played during a fighting sequence in "Mewtwo Strikes Back", that was corny.

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
It was kinda corny the way Brock just showed up at the last minute in "The Right Place at the Right Mime". I mean, I completely forgot about him, but he just... showed up and joined Ash and co. They could've at least made him come earlier in the episode, not in the last 30 seconds.

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
Ookido-hakase's poems can't help but be corny in America, since it's pretty much impossible to translate the original haikus while maintaining the 7-5-7 syllable meter. So they usually turn into some pun-ridden A-B-A-B poem that pertains to a Pokémon in some way.

In regards to stuff that's in both versions, any time an episode ends with the painfully over-cliched finale of "character makes lame joke pertaining to what just happened, and everybody laughs" makes me want to sink into my chair and say "Oh God, tell me they didn't just do that..."

Leon Phelps

Don't Tread on Me
Misty: "Team Rocket doesn't deserve to be kissed! They deserve to be dissed!"

4Kids was always good with that urban lingo.

Korobooshi Kojiro

"I guess he didn't stand...a GHOST of a chance! Hahahaha!"

Yeah, I HATE when they laugh at the end of an episode...I remember they did that in Poetry In Commotion.

I was expecting Scooby Doo to pop up and go "Raws Rash, rut ra ruck rup!"


The New AG...
"I guess he didn't stand...a GHOST of a chance! Hahahaha!!

oh hell no. That's 4Kids' favorite line. They use it in all of their dubs not to mention using it thousands of time for yugioh. That's as corny as it gets.
Everytime I hear that i just wanna shoot the writers responsible!!

Horn Drill

Thunder Armor.

And the sappy songs they play during "sad" moments in episodes like Do I Hear a Ralts? and Sweet Baby James.