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Correllation between Nature and Trainer Sprite on GTS?


Pippi! Pi!
I've done a lot of trading on the GTS, and I was beginning to wonder what purpose the different trainer sprites serve on the GTS. Obviously, a person's trainer's sprite doesn't look like any of them on their game, as you're only allowed one of the two options in the beginning. So I got to thinking, and I came up with a theory.

Perhaps these trainer sprites have something to do with the traded Pokemon's nature. What do you guys think? Have you noticed any trends? Or does it just seem random to you? I thought it'd be nice if it DID relate to nature, because I don't remember seeing that information on the Pokemon's stats when you look at it through the GTS window. :)

Can one of you others who've been playing it as long as I have (or longer) confirm or disprove this?


In pokemon R/S/Fr/Lg/E, Your trainer sprite (For secret base battles) is based on your ID nomber. It's probubly the same in D/P.


In pokemon R/S/Fr/Lg/E, Your trainer sprite (For secret base battles) is based on your ID nomber. It's probobly the same in D/P.


Final Fantasy Fan
It depends entirly on that Trainer's ID number. If you do a regular trade with someone online, then check your Friend Book, you'll see what sprite they are. I have no idea what mine is though.