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Corrupted Wish Game 3.0

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Fabio Minccino
Granted you now feel such tightly knit empathetic bonds with everyone surrounding you that you literally give everything you own away. You quit work/school to help your friends and family but in the process become such a burden on them that you do more harm than help. Mentally and emotionally conflicted it suddenly occurs to you the only way out of this dilemma is your own horrible death, which you quickly grant yourself in the hopes it brings tears of joy to everyone whom you've been trying to help.
Unfortunately all it does is dump a $10k bill on your parents lap for the funeral costs.

I wish lots of people go sign up for The Little League! :D


Petal Blizzard
Granted, but there are so many people the entire think is afflicted with lags and it all crashes.

I wish I had a contrary Serperior.


Forumite Failure
Wish granted unfortunately your face is now permanently stuck in Awesomeface.

I wish for a boulder.


Fabio Minccino
Wish fail, nothing wished, nothing granted.

I wish I had some Pepsi.


Granted, but now your frozen solid in a block of ice. Better?

I wish I had a scramble where people wouldn't give me crappy Pokemon!


Fabio Minccino
Granted, you're given a scramble that's entirely inclusive of Pokémon that were released as special events that you had no access to.

I wish the pepsi I wished for wasn't flat. :/


Granted, now its in the middle of the Sahara Desert. Good luck reaching it while getting pecked to death by angry buzzards!

I wish I had a slice of cake in my hand.


Fabio Minccino
Granted, but my puppy slobbered all over it before it teleported to your location.

I wish more people would click the banner in my sig. :D


Granted. Too many people click at the same time and you computer overloads and explodes.

I wish that DM didn't put a cap on "challenges" games


Fabio Minccino
Triple epic phail from same poster!

I wish the Toobworm would read the frakken rules of this game and abide by them!

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