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COTD 11/18: Satellite Cannon

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TCG Trainer

Satellite Cannon- CP01-001

This card cannot be destroyed by battle with a Level 7 or lower monster. During each of your End Phases, this card gains 1000 ATK. If this card attacks, its ATK is returned to 0, after damage calculation.

Well, with the new Champion Packs, comes my review of the new Ultra Rare of the pack: Satilite Cannon!! This card, although it seems pretty bad, could put a damper in your opponent's play. For starters, it has 0 DEF, which immediately cancels out Smashing Ground's auto-kill (unless it's the only card on your side of the field). Also, you can easily pull it via Shining Angel/UFOroid, so it's not to hard to get. After that, it has a nifty way to boost itself up. If only we had "Charge", it would be able to support a better decktype. Also, considering it can't be killed except by a LV7+ card, you're typical Cyber assault just be came worthless.

3/5, for having potential but not making the cut.
In its own deck, it can be killer x.x Its pretty dudey with Limiter Removal, and you can give it Heavy Mech Platform to protect it so you still keep it. Though not so many people would run that sort of combo, well I don't think they would anyway.

But we're just lucky they haven't made the Fusion that was in the GX anime (Season 2, Episode 99):

Satellite Laser X-06S Balsam (Light)
[Satellite Cannon] + [Satellite Cannon] + [Satellite Cannon]
This card can only be special summoned by a Fusion Summon. Increase this card's ATK by 3000 points during each of your end phases. This card's ATK is returned to 0 after it attacks. When this card attacks with an ATK higher than the DEF of an opponent's monster, inflict the difference as Damage to your opponent's life points.

But it does have a DEF so it wouldn't be so protected and it does lose its battle invincibility from Level 7's. However this fusion in its own deck could be deadly, I mean come on Satellite Cannon's have an original attack of zero (making searching easy) meaning they could be Inferno Reckless Summoned and with something like Polymerization in your hand you could summon it really quickly.

Though if the fusion did come out i'd probably make a deck based around it o.o


TCG Trainer
Well, that OTK from that episode would be VERY Viable if we had Charge. Personally, I'd like to see Charge come out so this card sees more play.
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o_O I can't wait to get my hands on this card, not that I ever will :p

4/5 I love this card in WC2006
That's the problem, I don't have any hobby leagues in my area, I suppose I could get my hands on some CPs somewhere ;)


Meh, might as well win this card in three's in my next tourney opr something....

Nice review. Sattelite Cannon is teh ownz. I was sorta shocked to see that it wasn't restricted at all.
I probably never get get this card :(, shame, it'll make my machine deck two times better


Come along, dear
This is actually better than I thought it was, fair in a logical case, but still killer. I want this BAD so I can add it to the Machine deck once it comes out!

3.5/5 Becasue it can be killed by an End Dragon, and if you only attacked the last turn then you're screwed, or a Twin for that matter too. The .5 is because I think it has potential, sort of like Wave-Motion Cannon.


Better then you
I don't really like this card. First of all it can still take battle damage from higher attacking monsters. Plus it can still be desroyed by spells and non-battle traps. 2/5 is what I give it. I just don't like Machines that much.


Drifblim landing!
Sangan, Shining Angel, UFOroid, Inferno Reckless Summon all get this guy out easily, especially that last one. Satellite Cannon is protected from all monsters 96% of everything run in today's format excluding the effects. And really I think wasting a DDWL is a little dumb on your opponent's half. Exiled Force is a problem but then you just CotH and Inferno Reckless Summon. Samsh will never hit this although Fissure might on the early turns. And remember Machine so Limiter Removal works here and that means you only need 4 turns to get an 8000 ATK monster. And say you had Inferno Reckless Summoned that'd be 24000 ATK worth of Satellite Cannon staring down your opponent. Add in a random Spell Canceler and occasional Royal Decree/Jinzo and that's gonna hurt. Just to make sure play Big Bang Shot on 1 of them and have that ram the defenses. Really it's a great card with brillaint potential.

Stats: 0.5/5 (5/5 when they're above 4000)
Effect: 5/5
Potential: 5/5
Art: 5/5
Total: 15.5/20


Psyched Up
Staff member
3/5, I like its cannot-be-destroyed-by-level 7-or-lower-monster effect. But this card can be destroyed by effects...Leviadragon is one card that has the effect to wash this card down. Btw, if I'm not wrong, is this the satellite card that appears on Kaiba's duel with "Jinzo" on the anime?
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Drifblim landing!
3/5, I like its cannot-be-destroyed-by-level 7-or-lower-monster effect. But this card can be destroyed by effects...Leviadragon is one card that has the effect to wash this card down. Btw, if I'm not wrong, is this the satellite card that appears on Kaiba's duel with "Jinzo" on the anime?

Yep that's the one (In the Anime). It also appears in Jaden's duels with Prince Orgene in Yugioh GX series 2 later on.


I think Champion Packs are good, seeing how I have less than half the cards in a Champion Pack. Unfortunately, MV doesn't get a single Tournament, much less a Hobby Store... :(

Oh, it's a good set, it's just worthless in my eyes. All the cards in there with the exception of Sattelite Cannon and Thunder Kid are already commons or are gonna become commons in the next coming months. I'm glad that Enemt COntroller is a rare *It'll look kewl* but as the succesor to Tournament packs, this set failed.

Still, Thunder Kid FTW!
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