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Could the new opening be constantly updated?

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Yeah, ok!
Could the new opening be constantly updated? (Update: It is!)

I'm not talking about filling in the Frontier Brains shadows with their pictures, but for the actual Pokemon.

Mudkip is shown in the opening and now he has Marshtompt pretty early on in the saga. I know they're never done this with an opening before, but anyone think it's possible for the opening to be updated with new Pokemon and replace the old ones?

I think after all the complaints about the spoilerific AG openings, that they made an opening that showed the gang with all the same Pokemon they had before it started (With the exception of Manene and possibly Manyula...if that indeed becomes a TR Pokemon).

Anyone seeing Mudkip's brief scene in the opening replaced with a Marshtompt? After all, this is the best way to avoid putting spoilers in an opening until an episode has aired. And we know the opening will be constantly updated to fill in the new Brains anyway, so it's not like they couldn't change another small image of the opening.

This also opens the floodgates for any other possible evolutions, as if they keep the song the same, it is already a bit outdated with Marshtompt now instead of Mudkip. Sort of gives the possibilities for more evolutions earlier than we expected. Especially if this saga lasts over 52 episodes or more, there will bound to be more "outdatedness" with more future evolutions or captures.

So anyone want to take a guess if this will be the first Pokemon intro that gets constantly updated? This will obviously be proved either right or wrong as soon as next Thursday's episode airs and we see either still a Mudkip or Marshtompt in the opening, but we have almost 4 days to think about it so...
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Be Wise, Tell Lies.
I, for one, sure as hell hope so.
*Marshtomp evolves into Swampert* Ooh LOOK! It's still a Mudkip in the Intro! How cute ^.^!

What gets me is that these Team changes are happening fairly early in the Season, so why couldn't they follow suit with such openings as "Challenger"?
Considering how quickly Chimecho was dumped for Manene, I have yet to understand why it is in the Intro and Ending of the BF Series. What raises more questions is the absence of Dustox in both...but it's still on the Team Rocket team.

I really hope people don't come here and post "No! They don't want to animate Marshtomp and put him in place of Mudkip in the Intro! It'll be too hard!" because they did the same with the Smile Ending so it shouldn't be too difficult, neh?

Vote Yes on Bill BF Intro =D!
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Well-Known Member
If you break it all down, the intro isn't really why you watch the show, is it? What's the big deal if they do/don't change it... so long as the episodes themselves are decent, I'll be happy.


they did it for the ending credits of Advanced Generation for a while...


Well-Known Member
well, chimecho is still in the opening, so I think they won´t update the opening with every evolution/capture.

but maybe they update only after a new brain is intorduced so that they can pack all things into one update, like having marshtomb and greta in and chimecho out after the next episode in the opening. we will see.


~Thîrûttû R⚢âl~
well...we'll find out this weeks...so it should be intresting :D...

can't wait...for opening..since ya metioned this idead :D...

let's just sit bakc, wait, and see..lol


Storm Trainer
TeddiUrsa said:
but maybe they update only after a new brain is intorduced so that they can pack all things into one update, like having marshtomb and greta in and chimecho out after the next episode in the opening. we will see.
sounds logical. I like that idea.


Izit cuz I is black?
They completely reanimated a Snorunt into a Glalie in Glory Day, what would stop them animating a Marshtomp over a Mudkip?


Its almost time
I can't see it being constantly updated, maybe just after each brain would suffice.

You say constanly as if it could happen a lot. Captures and evolutions don't happen all that often.


King of the Marsh
I think that the first Mudkip appearence in the forest will remain, but the little Mudkip that dances around in front of Brock will get replaced. The blocky outline makes it seem like it was designed to be altered.


Izit cuz I is black?
Well, since this is a new saga and all, and they seem to be giving at least one new pokemon to each character, they also seem to be evolving/sacking one other member.


Well-Known Member
between each gym we had at least two capture/evoultion back in hoenn if I´m correct. mostly one event after another.

I think this trend will continue in the BF saga
(squirtle, phanpy, dumping of glalie,torkoal,ludicolo, beautifly,skitty)
(chimecho, manene, marshtomp)

I update after each new brain is possible but we better don´t get our hopes too high


Izit cuz I is black?
TeddiUrsa said:
between each gym we had at least two capture/evoultion back in hoenn if I´m correct. mostly one event after another.

I think this trend will continue in the BF saga
(squirtle, phanpy, dumping of glalie,torkoal,ludicolo, beautifly,skitty)
(chimecho, manene, marshtomp)

I update after each new brain is possible but we better don´t get our hopes too high


Pre-Roxanne- Torchic, Taillow, Arbok/Weezing leave, Cacnea, Treecko, Seviper, Lotad, both Wurmples
Pre-Brawley rematch- Corphish, Silcoon/Cascoon, Mudkip, Beautifly/Dustox
Pre-Wattson- nowt
Pre-Flannery- Skitty and Togetic
Pre-Wattson rematch (if that counts)- Torkoal
Pre-Norman- Grovyle and Lombre
Pre-Winona- Bulbasaur, Swellow, Combusken and Cimecho
Pre-Tate & Liza- Bugger all, it mostly focuses on Kyogre and Groudon
Pre-Juan- Ludicolo and Snorunt
Pre-Grand Festival- Munchlax
Pre-League- Glalie
Pre-Factory- Squirtle, Phanpy, Glalie/Torkoal/Skitty/Bulbasaur/Beautifly/Ludicolo leave
Pre-Arena- Marshtomp and Chimecho/Manene

So, yes, we can expect at least one or two team changes. We know of two major possibilities (what with Manyula and Bonsly in the intro and a suspicious title), and they often happen right before a contest or gym battle, so we may get another capture or evolution in the next 15 episodes. IN THEORY.


Well-Known Member
And I think May will catch at least one more pokemon.
because she has 4 contest ribbons to collect and has only 3 pokemon on her team.
It would be a bit boring to see combusken and squirtle again and again ( hopefully munchlax will be in a contest ever...-.-) in the contests, so she needs a new one.

May got a new pokemon mostly before the next contest ( not directly before..damn..I can´t expres myself ^^;) with the last contest in hoenn as an exception.
But maybe we´ll se an evolution on her team as well.


Yeah, ok!
Well evolutions/capture episodes take the place of fillers, so it's not like we'll have twice as many episodes with captures/evolutions and standard fillers.

Hmmm, now that I think about it evolving one of Ash's Pokemon would be hard for the opening. You know the scene where all of Ash's team jumps out into the air and does attacks? If the opening is to be updated, they'd have to completely redraw a scene (such as taking out Phanpy and replacing it with Donphan), which would probably be more work than they're willing to do...hmm.


Lil Brother said:
Hmm? When'd they do that?


Exactly when he just said. In the ending Glory Day.

When Snorunt evolved, they updated the ending to have Glalie instead of Snorunt.
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