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crawdaunt moveset


Avada kedavra
rate my crawdaunt

naive nature
item - scope lens
hypper cutter.

swords dance
strengh/aerial ace/sludge bomb/brick break
ice beam/protect/water pulse

please help..


Well-Known Member
id actually prefer surf but i guess crabhammer makes it more unique. it depends on your preference.
swords dance
sludgebomb just to take advantage of its stronger attack. second choice would be aerial ace.
ice beam is good. another possible filler for the last move is ancientpower. pretty useful move overall so why not take advantage of crawdaunt's ability to learn it.
im just going by the options that you gave.

Pika Egg

Veteran newbie ^_^
I'd go for something like:

Nature Adamant/Naughty?
-Sludge Bomb
-Return/Body Slam (since it can use the paralysis support)
-Swords Dance


Avada kedavra
whatdoesthe naivenaturedo????
hesalreadyreadyforthe league,i wouldntlike tochange himbecause of nature...wutdoyou say???

Pika Egg

Veteran newbie ^_^
^ spaces...please...

Naive boosts speed and cuts sp.def....Crawdaunt's too slow to make much use of that..but I suppose it won't actually hurt per se....


Avada kedavra
hum, i got it!
but, because i already have him, with no egg moves, i guess it is going to be

naive nature
scope lens ( boost critical hammer)

swords dance
ice beam
sludge bomb/aerial ace/brick break (which one?? already have a swellow and a blaziken??? shall put sludge bomb?? or keep with aerial ace for grasses??


Onions? Where??
don't give him ice beam or water pulse because crawdaunt should be attacker, not sp.attacker


so adorable...
crawdunts max attack is much higher than his special attack and STAB wouldnt make up for that. he is meant to be an attacker and an attacker doesnt have special moves. does anyone give heracross special attacking moves? no. so why give crawdunt them.


Avada kedavra
well, first io would like to thank you all for being so friendly and trying to help me uehuhe,
but , i thought crawdaunts sp atk wasnt that bad... and i thought on ine beam, just because of that dragons...
and people say that u shall never teach more than one attack of a same type, and ive already set crabhammer,,, so shouldnt i let surf out of choices????
in that case, or no,

should it be

swords dance
sludge bomb/aerial ace/brick break
-----??? ( protect, would it be useful agains solarbeammers??)or knoc off??

and, which one of these 3 should be the best, ( aerial ace, brick break or sludge bomb???)

thx guys!


Well-Known Member
Here's a Craudaunt moveset:

Ability:Hyper Cutter
~Swords Dance
~Ancientpower/HP Rock

Out of those 3,I would say that Sludge Bomb would be better.