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Crayon Shin-chan test run successful..!

Toon Zone said:
I had the pleasure of attending Virginia's Anime USA 2006, where FUNimation voice actress Catlin Glass confirmed that Shin Chan's test run was indeed successful and that the series will again be airing on Adult Swim in the future.
If this is true, this is great news for Adult Swim watchers. I also found the dub quite funny and look forward to watching it again in the hopefully near future.

Now cue the ending song.:p


Monkey Dragon
Kick. ***.

I'm so glad this was successfull, that show was great. I thought, despite the terrible artwork, it was really funny. Like Japanese South Park.



I ... I mean, very good news. I'm sure Clyde will appreciate the overtime/job security.


Aim for the Top.
The new Shin-Chan dub is amazing, but I heard it wasn't successful... eh, it's excellent news.


Well-Known Member
I'm very glad it's successful I really enjoyed watching the show I have most of them on vhs that aired except one.

My favorite episode was the chemealeon one.

I hope they release this on dvd in season sets that'd be cooler and maybe the manga will be next that'd would be great.

Go Shin -chan go!

zonic the hedgehog


Yay! More chances to hear that song! :p
I'm also glad they didn't use the Japanese openings/endings, because they freak the heck outta me.

Soul Dew


Now it's time to do the ***-dance!

BTW, Mugen Keiji, is the girl on the right supposed to be Lee and Kumatora's child or is it a fusion?

Yes, I'm aware it's one of the gym leaders.
zonic the hedgehog said:
Yay! More chances to hear that song! :p
Terrific, now I want to look for the full song now.>_<;

Soul Dew said:
BTW, Mugen Keiji, is the girl on the right supposed to be Lee and Kumatora's child or is it a fusion?
Fusion--Lee's taijutsu/karate(she's a Fighting type Leader) and Kumatora's pink hairstyle.^^


→ kill the n o i s e
Oh man...I saw one or two of the Japanese episodes like...9 years ago. xD I havent watched the dub yet, but I heard it did real well on Adult Swim.

I figure I'll watch it when it re-airs.