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Crazines Sprites"I have many many sprites"


Pokemon Gym Leader
Hey guys i have so much pokemon sprites just ask for them if you need any. I have overworld buildings characters pokemon and otherr stuff. I also have battle sprites and can make pretty good trainer cards;006; so just ask if you need any.

Light Venusaur

Konoha's FMA Ninja
Hey guys i have so much pokemon sprites just ask for them if you need any. I have overworld buildings characters pokemon and otherr stuff. I also have battle sprites and can make pretty good trainer cards;006; so just ask if you need any.

Nice TC.
Did you make it?
Also would you like to work in my shop?


guess whos back?
How about you put the sprites in your topic next time =O
Seriously, next time, read the rules.


Pokemon Gym Leader


Pokemon Gym Leader
How about you put the sprites in your topic next time =O
Seriously, next time, read the rules.

The sprite sheets dont come up on like imageshack
are they too big?


Pokemon Gym Leader


Pokemon Gym Leader
im showing a before then after;006;


Pokemon Gym Leader
Where is the after?

im working on it but i accedentally posted before too early i though it was posting something else;233;

but here is some of them i finished i hope u like them though...
Last edited:


Pokemon Gym Leader
more sprites coming tomorrow
ill do some overworld stuff too.


Local Dragonmaster
and you need shading... cmon, the swimmer's pants look flat, but the swimmer himself is shaded... o_O

and you took off half of gary's head and pasted it onto the original biker's head.... not good quality here :(


The swimmer's thighs look like they are doing an impossible bend in his trunks. =/

I agree with DMJ. The police officer looks almost default paint-clourish and the burglar has bad outlines.


~her last bounty~
btw there not edited sprites for all those shading commentors there nintendos and posting them in your own thread can be called stealing

and him going to edit them is an excuse for him posting them this belongs in the sprite resources thread sticky please post it there


Pokemon Gym Leader
ok im going to shade them some more
lmao the garys head thing is funny ill try alot harder