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create a new eeve evolution name!


christian 4ever
if you wanted to create another kind of evvee what would be its name

here are mines
championa:type fighting
bichuela:type bug
dragonia:drago type

post yours!


21st Century Newb!
if you wanted to create another kind of evvee what would be its name

here are mines
championa:type fighting
bichuela:type bug
dragonia:drago type

post yours!
Gliedeon - Flying tri (meaning part fire, water, and thunder..) type...


Well-Known Member
Toxeon-Poisonous eevee evo

Necromeon(Necromancy+Eon)-A Nekomata, an actual one not that wannabe espeopn(Although I love him too). Its ghost type

Drakeon(prounounced Drake Eon)-a dragon, duh!


Well-Known Member
steeleevee steel type- evolves from eevee w/ metal stone -> steeleon steel/water type w/ water stone. ^_^
I'm going to eventually put these on my art thread:

Aureon: dragon evo (trade with dragon scale)
Léfeleon: grass; happened before Leafia (leaf stone)
Sikleon: ice;happened before Glacia (trade with nevermeltice)
Spiriteon: ghost (moon stone)
Galeon: flying (dark stone)
Scanteon: bug (sun stone)
Ireon: steel (metal coat)
Hegoleon: poison (trade with poison barb)
derguleon: ground (trade with soft sand)
Aremreon: Rock (trade with kings rock)
Poineon: fighting (Fist Plate)
Origeon: Normal (light stone)
Last edited:


Zigzagoon luv
Nomeon=Normal Type (Can Learn Fire Tms, Ice Tms and Electric Tms)


Serial Fangirl
I came up with a whole set of eevees, and I've got art for all of them. I'll post them here later, but for now, here are the names.

*Created by Nintendo.
+ My translation of a nintendo Jap. Name.

Bug - Mosqueon - The name comes from "Mosquito".
Dark - Umbreon* - I'm guessing that the name comes from "umbra" which means darkness in Latin.
Dragon- Majesteon - Comes from "Majestic", which I always thought the dragon types were.
Electric - Jolteon* - Comes from the phraze "Jolt of Lightning"
Fight - Athenion - Comes from "Athena" the Roman Goddess of war.
Fire - Flareon* - Comes from Flare.
Flying - Aereon - Comes from "Aerial" meaning "In the air".
Ghost - Spookreon - Comes from Spook. I was always scared of
Grass - Leafeon+ - My translation of "Leafia".
Ground - Minreon - Comes from Mineral.
Ice - Glaceon+ - My translation of "Glacia".
Normal - Eevee - If Eevee does hit every type, I have a feeling that there will be no new normal type.
Poison - Acideon - Comes from "Acid"
Psychic - Espeon* - I'm guessing that this is from E.S.P, which is used to describe psychic powers.
Rock - Stoneon - Comes from Stone.
Steel - Ironeon - Comes from Iron.
Water - Vaporeon* - Comes from "Vapour".

Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
Keeping in mind the 'eon' at the end.

Ghost - Gouleon - Ghouls
Flying - Aerieon - Aerial
Fighting - Puniateon - Pinata - You smash it.
Steel - Geldeon/Sevlreon - Gold and Silver
Poison -Toxiceon - Toxic
Rock - Geoneon - Geology
Ground - Quakeon - Earthquake


Raiden Maximus
How about titaneon (From titanium) for steel-type eevee?
Or Igneon (Ignious rock) for a rock-type.


KarpeDiem Rules!
Sandeon and stormeon
Ground and flying type
Sandeon evolves by learning Sandstorm and level it
Stormeon evolves by learning Gust and level it.


Well-Known Member
Titaneon [Steel](Titanium + Eon) Evovles by Happieness any time while holding Metal Coat, being excatly 500 exp. points away from next level and trading.

Quaranteon [Poison](Quarantine + Eon) Evolves by trading holding the poison barb.


< Ho ho ho
Preevee- pre-evo of Eevee