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Create your own pokemon (just in a different way!)


Ok I just came up with a new idea that I hope no one created yet.
I was thinking people could make up funny pokemon just by fusing two or three together or by changing a letter in their name. Here are some examples:
Stowlax- A smaller version of snorlax that isn't as lazy. It enjoys stowing itself away on ships and vehicles.
Dunsola- A corsola/Dunsparce mix. It has spines of Corsola and the tail of dunsparce. It is only the colors of Corsola.
Have Fun!


I came up with some new ones:

Wailizard- A charizard with a tail of water instead of flame. It has the colors of wailord, and doesn't have hands or feet but flippers.

Dizzlypuff- A taller orange Jigglypuff thats always confused. It's attacks always end up catastrophicly!!
Remember you can change the letters too, not just fuse them!