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Creatures does anyone play it?


Bloodhound Gang Fan
Has any one here played either Cretures 1, 2, 3 or Docking Station?
If you have please post here! If you're wondering Creatures is a virtual life game were the animals inside (Norns, Ettins and grendels) actually think for themselves actually breed and evolve! It's a pretty neat game if you leave it on all night then you can get some pretty interesting mutations in the morning! Please post any mutations here.
P.S. the last one Docking Station is much smaller but is for free and compatible online and anyway you can get millions of 3rd party add-ons for all of them!


Well-Known Member
i was hell- bent on buying Creatures when it came out. I never did, though, hence I've never played it. Played the GBA one, though. Ugh, it's rubbish.
Wish I had the PC version...
I have 1 and 3 and the PlayStartion version. The later scked, but i love playing 3, I was about to reload it. Do they still have the website with all the downloadable goodies?


Knuckle Trainer
Crap......played it when I was 8.....and I'm 15 now.......can't remember anything except eggs, and male and female.....


Bloodhound Gang Fan
Yep websites still running they've got a new one though:The Creatures 3 OFFICIAL downloads
Remember though there are loads of 3rd party ones so try searching in google.
Good 3rd party sites include:
Helens Bibble Direvtory
Rather old but still a good site.
Another good site some links are broken though.
Finnaly if you ever want to chat about creaures... Creature forums
Just register and go to Creature chat!

ø®ΑпGЗ ♠

Well-Known Member
I have Creatures Docking Station, and Creatures The Albian Years. I wondered if anybody liked it. Are you having any wolfing runs? For people who don't know, a wolfing run is when you get a few norns, and watch who lives the longest. You can not help them, but sometimes it's quite interesting.
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I DID played creature 2 and 3, but both belongs to my friend. We did things like "Wich will live the longuest" :p