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frontier champion

Well-Known Member
I was playing my game and defeated Rayquaza, after all that crying crap at the end the credits starteed rolling the credits rolled for five minutes in my game and they didn't stop so I restarted my DS and ended up back at the kangaskan statue.

How long do the credits roll and what happens right after the credits???


< That's me! Hello!
I just ignored them until it got to a part I was interested in so maybe a minute or two.


Storm of Fire
Don't worry you can still play the game after you kick Raquazza tail.


Glitch Hunting Freak
Ok everyone starts wah wah wah because you have to go and then at the end of the credits........ you can probably guess what happens. (good ending)
everyone is sad because you had to go and all the pokemon from the square are infront of your base, your partner is sobbing uncontrolably, but then, a yellow light comes and you are returned to the pokemon world. Lombre runs over to your partner and tells 'em that you have returned, and thats basicly it
:/ yeah. spoilers so no one that hasn't beat the game gets it ruined.