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Critter Cryptics: Now with a New* Layout!


I > You
Critter Cryptics: We're not lying about that new* layout!

Yes, this is my site. I know, it uses...whatcha call it? Web application framework? But my computer does nto support PHP or SSI and I don't like frames, so yeah...

On the good side, my Website has around 90 pages, more or less, and it is not a news site. It has information, yes, but it has more than that, it has Original Artwork that you can use provided you just link back, art tutorials, a few pages (three at time of writing) devoted to Pokemon Theories, and I wrote an entire log of my playing Mystery Dungeon Blue, some spare flashes. Will you like it? I don't know. Some people enjoy it, others hate it. I would like to know what you think of it, but...don't be too harsh on me. I don't want to have to be scared of going to this topic because people are yelling at me 'YOUR WEBSITE SUCKS!!!'.

So, why delay? Visit today!
