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Cronicle Comics

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Artsy Smeargle
oky lets get started il post new episodes of whats happaning in different pokemon/peoples lifes or just about one so stay tunes.
Note:some comics will be realy cheezy and some will be realy cool so stay tuned.

Cron. ~1~ Nurse joy togehter with er.........BrOcK o.0

Reign G

Roggen and Rolan
Please, don't triple post. Now, what can I say? Hmmm....In the first one, the text was hard to read, Joy's white was clear.

The second, there were no text tails, the second panel had no text bubble.

Thye both are JPEG. Make them either GIF or PNG, but not that horrid Sprite-messing-Up JPEG. Also, you need to capitaslise and punctuate. (Periods, ?, ! etc.)


Artsy Smeargle
Hellow here is comic 3 CRON ~3~ special guest comic please give me alot of coments people
What happend to not using Paint default?

Forget it, I'm not gonna bother wiht this comic,
if you can't grasp the concept of using different colors,
I'm not gonna help you.

Typhlosion Dude

De Ja Vu...
Same here. This comic could have good potential if you organized it, didn't use paint default, had real speech bubbles (and real speech bubble tails), saved it as GIF or PNG, had correct punctuation, had correct spelling, added humour, I could go on and on but I don't want to bore you and everyone else.


this is ok.... a little fuzzy here and there but good at that.


Stickers are ghetto
Where to begin?! }:)

1.) Text is nearly impossible to read.
2.) Awful grammar and spelling.
3.) You really need to work on your spriting skills
4.) It is not funny.
5.) Way too random.
6.) It is saved as a jpeg

These things a good comic do not make.

You seriously should check out the Comic Tutorial Thread if you want to learn to do a comic better.


Zigzagoon luv
Another comic of your randomness?
What Happened to the 'To be continued' in Comic 2?
Why can't anyone stick to one comic?
Me No help cause,
1. I don't OWN a good comic.
2. Me no help Random Comics.
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