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crying episodes


christian 4ever
is there any episode or movie of pokemon that have make you cry......

to me yes....

here are the episodes
-pikachus goodbye
-butterfress goodbye
and movies.......
-clebi the voice of the forest
-pokemon heroes latias and latios
-probobly lucario and the mistery of mew i havent seen it yet but some people tel me that it was sad

what about you?be honest....

Hyper Chibi Absol

The Dark Goddess
None but there was one where I got a lump in my throat from. I think it was called "Gotta catch ya later".
None for me as well.

"Pokemon The First Movie" has to be the closest to me actually crying, but I was way younger back than ^^.


Mammoth Master!
The mime jr. episode where james is crying and that song and the memory thing. :(


Ashfan for life
I would say the first episode because when Ash tries to save his Pikachu who hated him at first, it really moved me and it made me get drawn to the show ever since.

the legend master

Well-Known Member
movie 3 did when i was young but then i learned entei didn't actually die. i was happy when ash turned to stone.

Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
the first movie when I saw it for the first time.. Bwaa Ash died! Wait that's good! But I hate seeing pokemon cry! Wait he didn't die! :mad:

I cried for quite a few episodes.

When I first saw the 1st episode when Ash was trying to save Pikachu from the Spearows.
The butterfree goodbye/Pikachu's goodbye.
"Gotta Catch Ya Later"
"Sweet Baby James"
And the 1st movie.

Yeah..I cry....a lot. xD


I almost cried on Mewtwo strikes back when ash got hit by Mewtwo and mews blast and he got turned to stone and Pikachu was crying for him.
Pikachu's Goodbye.
Bye Bye Butterfree
and the 1st Movie when Ash died.


I Crush Everything
Guys, why ask this question? Any male over 13 (which there are a lot of in this forum) would never admit to crying. People think it makes them childish or something.

Anyway, the thing with jirachi, when Max was sad he wouldn't see him, gave me the need to hold back tears. Not when I saw it, but when I thought of it after, it made me sad. Both japanese and english versions of what Ash said made me sad, because he first said how Max'd never see him again unless he lived a thousand years, and in the dub, he talked about how a true friend is never gone, which made me remember how my friend who left indeed is gone, and Ash is making stuff up to make the boy feel better.