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Crystal Time Change Code?


Well-Known Member
Anyone know the gameshark code to change the time? It's off and since they took it out after g/s I can't do it manually. I don't know why they took it out. It makes no sense.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Anyone know the gameshark code to change the time? It's off and since they took it out after g/s I can't do it manually. I don't know why they took it out. It makes no sense.

Asking for or discussing gameshark codes is perhibited here.

Since you can't change the time manually, you'll have to restart the game if you really feel a need to change the time.

I wouldn't reccomend it though, as you may not want to restart, and besides, it says in the game manual that time isn't always kept perfectly, and it being off a bit isn't a big deal. Hey, my gold's like half and hour behind, and you don't see my trying to change it via a gameshark, because I don't think it matters much.

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Well-Known Member
I don't see why it would be prohibited. It's not like it's illegal to use a gameshark. I just like to keep the game neat like that.

I could of swore I saw a thread with a code to catch Celebi.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I don't see why it would be prohibited. It's not like it's illegal to use a gameshark. I just like to keep the game neat like that.

It's prohibited because sharking is equivalent to cheating. You are altering the programming of the game when you shark, by sharking in an extra set of TMs or illegal pokemon, or even just to alter the time. It is considered to be cheating, and cheating is frowned upon here, so therfore it's against the rules to go asking for codes.

There's a sticky about Celebi in crystal, and a thing with codes on the main site. But they're just there for reference.



Well-Known Member
lol they do it cause they don't want u to do all the events whenever u want. that would in itself defeat the purpose of having time based events.


Natsu no Maboroshi
Go search google.

Sceptile Master

Survivor of the Great Avatar Depression
Okay you know what this equals??? disscossion of gameshark=warning/ temporary ban/BAN/closed thread