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Curious thought about 'Return'.

I don't think so, my pokemon faint there all the time but I've personally never seen their happiness level drop :confused:
Check with the lady in Verdanturf and see if your pokemon's happiness rate fell or not
If believe she says something if its not maxed out, but I could be wrong...I hardly use Return


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty darn sure that Battle Frontier battles don't affect anything about your Pokémon, they will be exactly the same when they come out as when they went in.


Master Breeder
your pokemon will be exactly the same after a frontier challenge as they were before it. items, EXP, happiness, nothing changes.

as for whether the lady in verdanturf says something different about max happiness and a point below max, i don't think so. i believe she has the same message for max and within 5 points of max.