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Custom generation Pokedex!!!!

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Requiem's Eclipse

Hopelessly Hopeful
Well make some drawing/sprites that corespond with a normal pokedex THEN post it. Don't post a art ttopic with no art.


guess whos back?
Projects arent allowed =/
And you should contribute your sprites when you make the thread.


Cool story.
I fyou are going to do something like this, it must be approved. You should also have a good idea of what you are doing. And then this could actually go somewhere.


Local Dragonmaster
well a lot of members have their own pokedex, they just don't start thread on it, asking for others to contribute to it. That's a project, which as someone already said, isn't allowed...


Pokemon Shaman
Actually, the mods are alot harder. They blindside you with a ban. So... yeah. Read the rules before posting. ^^
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