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Custom Pokédex Thread

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Custom Pokédex Thread

Yes,it´s a Pokédex of 50 poke-custom mades,if the poke-customs number increases,i will increase the pokédex,well,the initial pokedex


001 - Geonip (Grass) - Grass Dinossaur PKMN
Tyroleafs like to trick, many trainers can´t catch them because of its speedy legs that allow Tyroleaf to run like the wind. Its tricky nature makes trainers explode their nerves trying to catch them.
Credit : kirbymew


002 - Geotor (Grass/Ground) - Grass Raptor PKMN - Evolves from Tyroleaf lv.17
Geotors are dangerous PKMN, because its big,sharp claws may attack another PKMN when it is eating grass. When evolves, it lost their shiny leaves, because Geotor eat them.
Credit : predator, kirbymew


003 - Treerex (Grass/Ground) - Grass Tyronossaur PKMN - Evoles from Geotor lv.35
Treerex is like Gyarados, it attacks all PKMN that gets close from it. Their attacks may destroy a intire forest. When evolves, its leaves grow up again, but this isn´t a good sign, because the leaves cuts all foe´s body.
Credit : kirbymew


004 - Frostee (Water/Ice) - Artic Rabbit - Water Starter PKMN
Frostee is a cute PKMN, it does not attack when threatned, but its cuteness attract lots of PKMN, so, it doesn´t need to fight. Frostee is easy to train and raise, but, it is very, but very rare to find.
Credit : castiboy


007 - Vermitch (Fire) - Novice Mage PKMN - Fire Starter PKMN
A mage apprentice whose psychic powers are still in development. It has a little decorative cape.
Credit : Legendary_PlushBear


008 - Wandigo (Fire/Psychic) - Fire Magician PKMN - Evolves from Vermitch lv.18
Many magic skills have been developed with the evolution. It is said to be able of fading the clouds of a fierce storm.
Credit : Legendary_PlushBear


009 - Crimsage (Fire/Psychic) - Flame Sage PKMN - Evolves from Wandigo lv.26
A wise and mighty mage with strong magic powers. Its powers can go through the atmsphere and hit a nearby planet.
Credit : Legendary_PlushBear


000 - Armaspike (Ground) - Armadillo PKMN
When withdrew,it can run a lot,with a super-sonic speed,bouncing as a ball,and doing lots of "spin-dashes",it appears to be very active,but later that,it sleeps 14 or 15 hours per day.
Credit:Made by me


000 - Armighty (Ground) - Big Armadillo PKMN - Evolves from Armaspike lv.15
When evolves,it lost its sleepy personality,very active and naughty,this pokémon have a great power inside its sharp claws,but he is not so fast as Armaspike.
Credit:Made by me,thx for sora for the sprites


000 - Armarage (Ground/Steel) - Giant Metallic Armadillo PKMN - Evolves from Armighty lv.39
Its body get more red,it gain a wild nature when evolving,and its spikes got with a mettalic colour that reflects any special attack abck to the opponent,it appears to lost it speed,but in comparation with others pokémons of its weight,it is very fast.
Credit:Made by me


000 - Jolfix (Electric/Dark) - Child Wolf PKMN
It likes to hide in the dark,and when its opponent knows it presence,it sparks with a powerfull thunder,but it only does that in very dangerous opponents,actually,its very docile,and a good pet for all types of family
Credit:Made by me


000 - Sparken (Electric/Dark) - Wolf PKMN - Evolves from Jolfix lv.17
It cannot be pet of families when evolved,it can be very wild when its not trained well.Scientists affirmate that when it looks the moonlight,it regain health,and regain his static too.
Credit:Made by me


000 - Lightails (Electric/Dark) - Wolf PKMN - Evolves from Jolfix by Thunder Stone
It´s impossible to find it at the florest,and can be only evolved by the best trainers,that´s why almost all of them are docils,but don´t be so certain of it,by level,it can learn powerfull thunders attacks,and use them very well.
Credit:Made by me


000 - Chitit (Normal) - Bushy Tail PKMN
This fluffy pokemon is usually found in groups of 5 or more. It looks like easy prey, but you just have to watch out...
Credit : Ben-shinylover


000 - Chattit (Normal) - Claw rodent PKMN - evolves from Chitit lv.21
This pokemons huge claws are very helpful for lumberjacks. Its cheecks are like rubber, allwoing it to store many berries.
Credit : ben-shinylover


000 - Udopecker (Electric/Flying) - "Thunder"Pecker PKMN
The elegant Udopecker is known to usually hunt for it's food during thunderstorms. It is believed that this pokémon’s pecking is what causes the loud rumbling of thunder.
Credit : Made by Foxboi


000 - Catarvorn (bug/poison) - Spike Grub PKMN
they are known for their agressiveness, even toward larger opponents. their spines carry a potent venom, and they are unusually strong for a larval bug pokemon.
Credit : Absol Attacker


000 - Silvanura (steel/bug) - Armadillo Bug PKMN - Evo of Catarvorn lv.15 holding the item Metal Coat
their metallic shell can protect them from most attacks once they curl into a ball. they prefer running over fighting because of their shy nature, and can run faster than most pokemon.
Credit : Absol Attacker


000 - Lactiana (bug/light) - Beauty Moth PKMN - Evo of Catarvorn lv.15 holding the item Shiny Spore
they are usually nocturnal pokemon, known for dancing around in moonlight in small swarms. their wings release a bright green powder that shines like the stars, but is usually dangerous.
Credit : Absol Attacker


000 - Mitorch (Bug/Fire) - Burning Bug PKMN
Mitorch live in small clusters in dry areas. like their evo, they should not be held near wood for fear of a fire starting. they can make ther hairs like needles.
Credit : absol attacker


000 - Taratorcha (Bug/Fire) - Burning Spider PKMN - Evolves from Mitorch lv.16
To guard itself,it despite their potent fire and needle-like fur, they prefer to run away from fights. they usually cause small, accidental flames when their hairs rub on wood, so people hate them in their houses.
Credit:Made by Absol Attacker


000 - Stinkaint (Normal/Poison) - Stinky PKMN
This shy, playful pokemon is often known as pets. They only spray enimies, and are not agressive.
Credit:Ben Shiny-Lover


000 - Leask (Grass) - Berry PKMN
LEASK is a sweet Pokemon that likes to collect berries from nearby trees and bushes.Trainers use them to chase easly some kinds of rare berry.
Credit: Winry Rockbell (Tali)


000 - Berisk (Grass) - Berry PKMN - Evolves from Leask lv.26
BERISK is known to search around forests for fruits and berries. It will hand from branches to store energy to help locate fruits.
Credit:Winry Rockbell (Tali)


000 - Royduv (Flying/Light) - Lightness bird PKMN
Royduv are the exact opposite of murkrow. They are loved by many, and help wandering and hurt pokemon all the time.
Credit : ben-shinylover


000 - Swannin (Water/Flying) - Kind - of - Fusion - with - Duck - and - Swan PKMN
Swannins are calm and one of the most innocent PKMNs ever, but it is a easy prey for predators, but its MIRROR MOVE is a great technique that makes it not so a easy prey.
Credit : kirbymew


000 - Colibeak (Grass/Flying) - Leaf Bird PKMN
A bird with wings made of pure leaf, this little bird may summon nature and air, and this advantage is great for PKMN battles. Trainers like it too because it is cute and very rare in forests.
Credit : New_Generation


000 - Colibird (Grass/Flying) - Leaf Bird PKMN - Evolves from Colibeak lv.23
No Data Yet
Credit : New_Generation


000 - Weedish (Grass/Poison) - Weed PKMN - Alternate evolution of Oddish
Recently discovered alternate evolution of Oddish. Not much is currently know of this Pokémon, only that their leaf arms sticks how much Weedish wants to get berries in the high of trees.
Credit : Crobat Trainer


000 - Ravark (Dark/Flying) - Crow PKMN
Ravark often live in flocks, following hikers ominously. they dislike daylight, so they often live in dark places. their cawwing can scare off almost any bug pokemon.
Credit : Absol Attacker


000 - Buzzark (Dark/Flying) - Vulture PKMN - Evolves from Ravark lv.25
Buzzark live in wastelands, staring at weak travelers collapsing of exaustion or dehydration with pleasure. they prefer to hop or walk rather than fly, using their wings as a cloak.
Credit : Absol Attacker


000 - Mut (Normal) - Dog PKMN
A little dog,very common in families,because all the families wants them,Muts are very docile,but when trained well,it may be a danger for others PKMNs in PKMNs battles.
Credit : New_Generation


000 - Mukint (Normal/Dark) - Dog PKMN - Evolves from Mut lv.22
When it is trained harsly for attack and battles, Muts evolves into Mukints, Mukint is a very dangerous PKMN,it scary others PKMNs and attack with full power.Believe or not, it may be docile, when trained well.
Credit : New_Generation


000 - Goblartz (Dark/Ghost) - Jewel Goblin PKMN - Evolves from Sableye by trading with the held item Luxury Jewels
A miscevious creature who often hides deep inside caves and scares miners and explorers. it's desne, stone armor is a result of sableye's prolonged digestion of all the minerals it ate.
Credit:Made by Absol Attacker


000 - Flairfant (Fire) - Fire Elephant PKMN
Flairfants look slow but if endangered their feet can carry them up to 35 mph. This hairy Pokémon is an ever-welcomed partner, as its hair is always at nice temperatures
Credits: kirbymew, Predator, Legendary_Plushbear.


000 - Pachiflame (Fire) - Fire Elephant PKMN - Evolution of Flairfant lv.16
Pachiflame has a habit of charging down anything that threatens its trainer. To drive away enemies it will wave its Trunk and tusks. If the opponent does not back down, it will blind them with smoke and fire.
Credits: LannyZ4444, Jupitol, kirbymew.


000 - Trunkferno (Fire/Ground) - Fire Elephant PKMN - Evolution of Pachiflame lv.34
This giant PKMN can eat 3x more than Blastoises or Nidokings, but no Snorlaxes, Trunkfernos can split lots of fire of its "nose" and from its fire necklace too.
Credit : kirbymew


000 - Mizupup (Water) - Aquatic Dog PKMN
MIZUPUP is the best Pokemon for beginning trainers; it is very loyal and is know to follow others around.
Credit : Made by Winry Rockbell (Tali)


000 - Auropup (Water/Ice) - Artic Dog Pokémon - Evolution of Mizupup lv.25
This Pokemon lives atop snowy cold mountains even if the temperature is below zero. It's tail is made of a glacier that is admired by many people due to its beautiful aurora-like glow in the sun.


000 - Crocossil (Rock/Water) - Rock Crocodile PKMN
Crocossil is very dangerous for people and others PKMNs, its type makes everyone suffer in the questions : Which PKMN may I use? Which move i would do? Because of Crocossil´s exotic type.
Credit : Castiboy and kirbymew


000 - Conerba (Grass) - Grass Rabbit PKMN
CONERBA are sweet and innocent Pokemon; it loves to play in fields of flowers and is the easiest to train.
Credit : Winry Rockbell (Tali)


000 - Lepba (Grass) - Grass Rabbit PKMN - Evolution of Conerba lv.18
LEPBA are strong and cute Pokemon; it loves to eats berries from trees and is known for its loyalty.
Credit:Winry Rockbell (Tali)


000 - Herpin (Grass/Fighter) - Giant Grass Rabbit PKMN - Evolution of Lepba lv.34
HERPIN are Strong and powerful Pokemon; it is know to take down anyone who opposes it and os fiercely loyal.
Credit : Winry Rockbell (Tali)


000 - Laypade (Grass) - Plant PKMN
A helmet made of solid leaves protects its head. As a result, it can headbutt in a very confident way.
Credit : Legendary_PlushBear


000 - Shrublade (Grass/Ninja) - Ninja Plant PKMN - Evolves from Laypade lv.13
The blade of its sword is able to rip solid rocks. The reason of its samurai appearance is a total mystery.
Credit : Legendary_PlushBear


000 - Logun (Grass/Steel) - Giant Plant PKMN - Evolves from Shrublade lv.38
A heavy armor fully covers its body, giving it one of the best known defenses.
Credit : Legendary_PlushBear


000 - Panleaf (Grass/Psichic) - Bamboo-Eater Panda PKMN - Grass Starter PKMN
A panda PKMN that spell psychic powers when in pressure,this pokémon is mysterious,and when hungry,it cannot use it psychic powers well.
Credit:Made by me


000 - Meditada (Grass/Psichic) - Teen Panda PKMN - Evolves from Panleaf lvl.14
When evolved,it can manage its psychic powers very well,but it cannot obey the trainer if it trainer doesn´t train it well,so it needs a lot of discipline before it gets evolved
Credit:Made by me


000 - Natubear (Grass/Psichic) - Adult Panda PKMN - Evolves from Meditada lv.32
Natubear can have two personalities : it may get mad and fight with physical attacks,or it can be very sleepy,but powerfull with its spells.Natubear eats a lot,and eat 1 tonelade of food per day
Credit:Made by me


000 - Digger (Bug/Flying) - Burrowing PKMN
Digger are nocturnal Pokémon and stay underground by day. They often dig just beneath the surface; you can tell where one is sleeping by the bump it makes in the soil.
Credit : Crobat Trainer


000 - Koporuk (Psychic/Light) - Imitation Child PKMN
True to it's appearance, koporuk lack in tactics demanding physical strength. they have a very unique power; to revert creatures and objects into a younger or simpler state.
Credit : Absol Attacker


000 - Eqlade (Steel/Normal) - Blade Horse-like PKMN
Eqlades can walk in 4-footed or in 2-footed forms, making ease the use of attack and speed in the right hour, its steel blades can cut any PKMN easly.
Credit : kirbymew and Legendary_Plushbear


000 - Nuriboom (Ghost/Flying) - bloated PKMN
Nuriboom are known for their graceful dancing and for their ability to control the wind. they can see the future at random moments, but sometimes lie about their visions.
Credit : Absol Attacker


000 - Merlinorn (Light/Psychic) - Mystery PKMN - Evolves from Stantler by trading with the hold item Moony Hat.
it's suposed to know almost everything about everything, and it has the greatest reasoning of all PKMNs, he thinks a lot before acting, he's one of the most intelligent pokemon.
Credit : castiboy


000 - Culago (Electric/Steel) - Tech-Rabbit PKMN
Culagos lives in the city, operating and working on machines for tech enterprises like Silph.co, they like to live with gears and all kinds of machines.
Credit : Legendary_Plushbear, kirbymew.


000 - Apprupet (Psychic) - Puppet Trainee PKMN
They are able to take control over weak-minded and/or weak pokemon for short lengths of time. they often fall unconscious after doing so for too long.
Credit : Absol Attacker


000 - Maestronet (Dark/Psychic) - Puppet Master PKMN - Evolves from Apprupet lv.28
Maestronet live in dense forests, using the handle on it's back to control enemies like puppets. you'll hear it's maniacal laugh before you see it in the treetops. they will avoid fire at all costs.
Credit : absol attacker


000 - Sprinjack (Dark) - Leaping Goblin PKMN
It is known for it's ability to leap like a flea. they sometimes enter small towns they live near at night and scare children. they are one of the most acrobatic pokemon.
Credit : Made by Absol Attacker


000 - Treye (Psychic) - Focus PKMN
Treye uses its two, powerful brains to focus its psychic energy. It rarely misses a target, owing to its three pairs of eyes.
Credit : Crobat Trainer


000 - Puncharoo (Normal/Fighter) - Child Kangaroo PKMN
No Data Yet
Credit : New_Generation


000 - Smackaroo (Normal/Fighter) - Kangaroo PKMN - Evolves from Puncharoo lv.31
No Data Yet
Credit : New_Generation


000 - Kangpearl (Fighter/Psychic) - Mystic Kanguroo PKMN
Kangpearls are boxers kanguroos that may spell psychic attacks because of its mystic pearl on its forehead, Kangpearls only uses psychic attacks when your foe is very strong for Kangpearl´s physic attacks.
Credit : kirbymew


000 - Draizard (Dragon) - Hopping Gecko PKMN
Draizard are very nervous pokemon, jumping at almost any surprise. they prefer to stealth, since they often get unnerved when seen by the opponent.
Credit : Absol Attacker


000 - Drakeleon (Dragon/Fighting) - Kangoroo Dragon PKMN - Evolves from Draizard lv.28
Drakeleons are able to change color, and are good at sneaking up on enemies, then attacking in close range. they are known for using their spring-like legs for powerful drop-kicks.
Credit:Made by Absol Attacker


000 - Lindfant (Dragon) - Baby Serpent PKMN
Lindfant are often kept as pets by the wealthy for their cuteness. they are quite rare, and show interest in both knowledge and stength.
Credit : Absol Attacker


000 - LongChi (Dragon/Ghost) - Dragon Spirit PKMN - Evolves from Lindfant raising 10 lvls with the held item Spell Tag
a wise dragon pokemon that speaks human languages and appears to the pure of heart. they are said to know almost everything, but are almost never direct with their statements.
Credit:Made by Absol Attacker


000 - Serpendous (Dragon/Psychic) - Mystical Serpent Dragon PKMN - Evolves from Lindfant raising 10 lvls with the held item Psych Bandana
a gigantic pokemon that is very powerful, but very shy. it only obeys those who can reach it's mountaintop home, often on the highest mountains, far past the average human edurance distance.
Credit:Made by Absol Attacker


000 - Lunacute (Light) - Lunar Cute PKMN
Lunacute is extremely rare, and excellent in Pokémon Contests, its moves are used by the best Pokémon Trainer Contests ever, and it is more easely to find at night, people says that is because Lunacute is connected to the moon.
Credit : Created by Rökkan


000 - Lunaron (Dragon/Light) - Lunar Dragon PKMN - Evolution of Lunacute by holding the item Dragon Scale and evolute 10 levels.
When it evolves,its three tails transform into wings and one beautifull tail. As it soars through the air it's long, gorgeous tail shakes off sparkling dust that is a sign of good luck.
Credit: goddenly_blessed


000 - Stalagon (Ice/Dragon) - Ice Lizard PKMN
Stalagon is a rare pokemon, it's body is covered with freezing scales. Some of these scales have turned into sharp pieces of ice that are on its back and tail. When angered, this pokemon will bash its tail against a rock or the ground and call out more Stalagons.
Credit : castiboy


000 - Subzella (Ice/Dragon) - Ice Lizard PKMN - Evolves from Stalagon lv.45
Subzella is angry all the time. It has a short temper and, on occasions is known to strike with a Blizzard or Dragon Breath attack for no reason. Its body is extremely sharp and is advised never to touch this pokemon with force because it is a 99.9% chance that your skin will be cut.
Credit : castiboy


000 - Glane (Ice) - Ice Crystal PKMN
During the night Glane gather in the tundra and reflect the moon light off their icy bodies creating giant aurora like lights that are said to be visible to the naked eye while in orbit around the planet if there are more than 30 Glane in one place. Although it is rare for over 20 Glane to gather together.
Credit : Made by bob799


000 - Glinde (Ice) - Ice Crystal PKMN - Evolves from Glane lv.30
Glinde's body is mostly covered in purple colored ice crystal's that act like fur. They keep Glinde from becoming to cold. (which is below -10 Degrees Ferenheight). Also Glinde can use the ice crystal's covering its body to keep itself from falling to fast.
Credit : Made by bob799


000 - Korguin (Water/Ice) - Penguin PKMN
KORGUIN is known to be in cold areas and like to swim in icy cold water. This Pokemon can only be found in the artic.
Credit:Winry Rockbell (Tali)


000 - Glaguin (Water/Ice) - Penguin PKMN - Evolves from Korguin lv.28
GLAGUIN is known to slide down frozen ice and play games. It is know to trick its enemies and then attack.
Credit:Winry Rockbell (Tali)


000 - Buloof (Water) - Aqua PKMN
Buloof have substances in their many body cavities that form bubbles when combined with air. they have an odd obsession with keeping objects squeaky clean and tidy.
Credit : Absol Attacker


000 - Spongey (Water) - Hydro PKMN - Evolves from Buloof lv.31
Spongey have many networks of vessels and bladders inside their soft skin. they can absorb and release water very easilly, and can cause whirlpools with their full-body breaths.
Credit : Absol Attacker


000 - Canillusk (Water) - Octodog PKMN
Canillusk are playful creatures, often seen in small packs in the open ocean. despite their solid body form, they are capable of withdrawing into their shells and stetching their face tentacles with ease.
Credit : Absol Attacker


000 - Bishuid (Water/Psychic) - Mystic PKMN - Evolves from Canillusk lv.32
Bishuid are rare beings in the wild, only appearing during seastorms. it is said that catching one while fishing will unleash a curse preventing you from ever catching a fish again.
Credit : Absol Attacker


000 - Mizumi (Water/Light) - Angular Fish PKMN
If it is lost at sea during the night, its antennas that grow from its gem form a luminous, sea green light. Some legends tell that it was resurrected from water and light.
Credit : Made by goddenly_blessed


000 - Turberg (Ice/Rock) - IceBerg Turtle PKMN
Turberg is known for it's great wight. Though it is fairly small Turburg has extremly strong muscles through-out its body. Turburg is covered in tiny scales coated in a thin layor of ice. When Turburg is attacked it will hide in it's shell and the attacked will be hurt by it's hard, sharp shell.
Credit : castiboy


000 - Glastle (Ice/Rock) - IceBerg Turtle PKMN - Evolves from Turberg lv.30
Glastle can be easly detected at the water by its well sharpned shell, many sea travellers stop their ships to see that beautifull ice shell of Glastle. When it is threatned, its shell create ice spikes that may faint the foe in 1 turn.
Credit : castiboy


000 - Sprindash (Grass/Flying) - Nature Pegasus PKMN
It uses it's powerful legs to get a running start and jump high into the air. While ill-adapted for actual flying, if it spreads it's wing-like leaves while airborne, it can glide for quite some time.
Credit : Crobat Trainer


000 - Piscleo (Water/Normal) - Lionfish PKMN
Piscleo are elegant pokemon known fo their large, colorful manes. they are often seen in packs while hunting almost any edible creature in their territory.
Credit : Absol Attacker


000 - Piscigris (Water/Normal) - Tigerfish PKMN
Piscigris are extremely powerful and agressive, making them one of the most feared pokemon in the sea. they will go temporarily insane if they smell freash meat.
Credit : Absol Attacker


000 - Thermhale (Water/Fire) - Volcanic PKMN - Evolves from Piscigris and Piscleo lv.34
Thermhale are usually calm, but are very dangerous when angered. when underwater, their fire can create a steam smokescreen as well as a blast of heat.
Credit : Absol Attacker


000 - Statizard (Steel/Electric) - Static Lizard PKMN
Adding Data Later....
Credit : Poochyena


000 - Boltigator (Steel/Electric) - Static Alligator PKMN - Evolution of Statizard lv.17
Adding data later
Credit : Poochyena


000 - Voltassaur (Steel/Electric) - Static Dino PKMN - Evolution of ???
Adding data later
Credit : Poochyena


000 - Scolopede (Bug/Poison) - Many Legged PKMN
Scolopede live in tropical climates, where they live hidden on the dark forest floor. they are extremely agressive, attacking almost anything with it's deadly venom and crushing jaws.
Credit : Absol Attacker


000 - Ryutoru (Dragon/Psychic) - Unnatural Dragon PKMN
Ryutoru may look small and defenceless, but if threatened, it can unleash enough power to destroy mountains. Ryutoru can often be found hiding in Furret’s or Linoone’s holes.
Credit : Jupitol, Legendary_Plushbear, kirbymew.


000 - Rynesis (Dragon/Psychic) - Unnatural Dragon PKMN - Evolves from Ryutoru lv.23
Even being a psychic type, Rynesis isn't very intelligent. It acts like a starving predator even after eating.
Credit : Legendary_PlushBear, kirbymew


000 - Ryclops (Dragon/Psychic) - Unnatural Dragon PKMN - Evolves from Rynesis lv.48
Ryclops is a mystical Pokemon from another dimension. He is often found reading other's minds with his third eye. Though it seems to have three eyes, only the floating one works.
Credits : Legendary_PlushBear, Dawnstar, kirbymew.


000 - Shadegg (Rock/Ghost) - Haunted Egg PKMN
Haunted eggs from ghosts and sprits PKMNs like Gengars,Misdreavuses and Dusclops may do origin to this PKMN, Shadegg is shadowy and very bad, its powers are very incredible and scary quickly PKMNs.
Credit : ShadowMaster


000 - Thestrali (Dark/Flying) - Nightmare (a kind of dark pegasus) PKMN
Thestrali are seen in most parts of the world as an omen of coming death. Thusly, most Pokémon trainers don't raise them. They are, however, very strong Pokémon and are more than willing to carry humans on their backs.
Credit : Crobat Trainer


000 - Prismard (Normal) - Little Dino PKMN - Breed Floradon, Cragragon, Lectrosuchus or Torpedylus.
'When the Ancient Elemental forces fall, their heir steal and aprimorate their powers'. That happens with Prismard. Prismard could be a little cutey and coloured, but when evolves, it invoke the parents' powers.
Credit : Team Leichi


000 - Spectrex (Normal) - Elemental Dino PKMN - Evolves from Prismard lv.40
When Prismard is trained naturally, it will evolve into Spectrex. Spectrex can harness light energy, and fire in as a beam by consentrating the stored energy through it's Crystaline Tongue.
Credit : Team Leichi


000 - Cragradon (Fire/Ground) - Fire Dino PKMN
Cragradon are Large Reptiles that crave scalding climates. The Volcanic Crag on Cragradon's back raises the air temperature around it close to 120 degrees Farenheit.
Credit : Team Leichi


000 - Lectrosuchus (Electric/Ground) - Electric Dino PKMN
Lectrosuchus are lazy Pokemon known for their Large size, and the annoyance they cause fishermen. a Lectrosuchus will swim right up to a Fisher's net, and eat the catch instead of finding a meal on their own.
Credit : Team Leichi


000 - Floradon (Grass/Ground) - Leaf Dino PKMN
Floradon can use the Leaves sprouting from their forearms like scissors to cut through dense vegetation. Floradon are very fast, and they can attack swiftly and sharply, leaving foes dazed so the Floradon can make a hasty escape, because it is not agressive.
Credit : Team Leichi


000 - Torpedylus (Water/Ground) - Water Dino PKMN
Torpedylus are brutal Pokemon, and can turn a peaceful pond into a barren wasteland within days. far overshadowing many pokemon in sheer size, the largest Torpedylus was Measured at lengths peaking at about 30 feet long.
Credit : Team Leichi


000 - Herbeon (Grass) - Herb PKMN - Evolution of Eevee by using the Leaf Stone on it.
Herbeons are mostly found in tropical forests. These pokemon are hardly ever caught by poachers due to their colour which allows them to camoflouge.
Credit : Mission_Togetic


000 - Glaceon (Ice) - Artic wolf PKMN - Evolution of Eevee by trading it with the held item NevermeltIce
Glaceon are often seen in high-altitude areas. They usually are very calm, and love people and other Pokemon. However, they are also quick to anger. Many Pokemon poachers gave been attacked or frozen by this Pokemon for angering its wild temper.
Credit : Ho- Roundon


000 - Dusteon (Rock) - Rock Spirit PKMN - Evolution of Eevee by using the Ancient Stone on it.
Dusteon are savage Pokemon. They are known to attack entire deserts for no reason. Their eyes have a outer covering to protect them from pieces of dust. Every month, Dusteons go to montains to spare its rocks around it to make grow new rocks on its body.
Credit : Ho- Roundon


000 - Buzzeon (Bug) - Flying Bug PKMN - Evolution of Eevee by ???
This form of eevee is very rare. The trainer who had the eevee at the time saw it last running away from Beedrill after eating their delicious honey. Buzzeon is known for it's wonderful ability to create light by flapping its wings.
Credits : kirbymew,Bleeding_Faith and Ben-shinylover


000 - Noxeon (Poison) - Toxic PKMN - Evolves from Eevee by ????
No data yet
Credit : LennyZ4444


000 - Skulleon (Ghost) - Mystical Ghost PKMN - Evolves from Eevee by ????
When Eevee gets mad and a very bad guy and then die,it´s spirit is transformed into a Skulleon and it scary people and faints lots of pokémons at the midnight,but at the day,it hides in the deep of dark caves.
Credit : Made by me,thx Dawstar for the ghost feet


000 - Skellunk (Ghost/Water) - Skully Ghost PKMN
Skellunk are ghosts that are known to hang around caves where pirates buried their treasure. they can also be found around just about any ship wreckage they happen upon. it is believed that they dream of sailing the seven seas looking for treasure.
Credit : Team Leichi


000 - Skellager (Ghost/Water) - Skully Ghost PKMN - Evolves from Skellunk lv.21
Skellager are Pirate Ghost Pokemon that love to terrorize boaters at sea and steal anything of value. overcoming it's fear of open bodies of water, the skellager will float above the surface of water to reach boats at night.
Credit : Team Leichi


000 - Plundergyst (Ghost/Psychic) - Shadowy Ghost PKMN - Evolves from Skellager lv.45
Plundergyst are thought to be the source of the ancient legend of a cloaked bandit that was able to steal anything he wanted without being caught. the legend says that this thief could sneak into any building, as if he where able to pass through the very walls of buildings themselves.
Credit : Team Leichi


000 - Wurm (Ground) - Digger Worm PKMN
Wurm are commonly found in near-surface burrows, where they shoot up and bite anything that they hear aboveground. they are more of an annoyance than a threat, however.
Credit : Absol Attacker


000 - Wurment (Ground/Dragon) - Digger Dragon PKMN - Evolves from Wurm lv.35
Wurmpent live in complex, underground caves that allow them to attack form almost any spot in their territory. their vestigal wings are evidence that they once lived above-ground and flew.
Credit : Absol Attacker


000 - Noctus (Dark/Ghost) - Terror PKMN
Noctus are described in mythology as the souls of thieves and murderers. They are very vengeful Pokémon and are often the source of many howls, shrieks, and other noises that scare people out of their wits.
Credit : Crobat Trainer


000 - Titantula (Steel/Psychic) - Eccentric PKMN
Titantula are very hard to find, not because they are scarce, but because they are so easily missed. Titantula have the strange ability to turn peoples' attention away from themselves. This talent takes an extraordinary amount of psychic energy, and they can't keep it going for long, so they prefer to live in deserted areas with little human activity.
Credit : Crobat Trainer


000 - Skuron (Ghost/Dark) - Undead PKMN
SKURON is known to lurk around in the shadows. If you meet this Pokemon in the dark beware of its hypnosis.
Credit: Winry Rockbell (Tali)


000 - Marskull (Ghost/Dark) - Undead PKMN - Evolves from Skuron lv.25
MARSKUL is known to live in an abandon tower in the highest level. It likes to lurk around and scare innocent Pokemon.
Credit:Winry Rockbell (Tali)


000 - Blasku (Ghost/Dark) - Undead PKMN - Evolves from Marskull by trading
BLASKU is known for its wings that lets it fly higher than other ghosts. It is said to come down and absorb the souls of defenseless Pokemon.
Credit : Winry Rockbell (Tali)


000 - Skellten (Ghost) - Sage PKMN
Skellten carry around long staves, made of the bones of their previous enemies. How intricate, long, thick, etc. a Skellten's staff is is a measure of its power.
Credit : Crobat Trainer


000 - Spiralus (Ghost) - Serpent Ghost PKMN
Spiralus is a cursed PKMN, when wraps the foe, it spells a kind of magic and the foe PKMN is wrapped by it and cannot quit, unless if the trainer have a repel, this PKMN doesn´t quit of the cursed´s body.
Credit : kirbymew


000 - Arctyrosol (Dark/Psychic) - Prehistoric Demon PKMN - Revive from the SharpArmor Fossil
a being that would have destroyed Earth if it's species had not gone extinct. it was said to have ruled over all vampiric pokemon through fear, and to have controlled gravity.
Credit:Made by Absol Attacker and me


000 - Carapick (Steel/Water) - Steel Shell PKMN - Revive from the Sea Amber
Carapick are ancient Pokemon that once lived on the bottom of the ocean. their thick spiky shells prevented them from falling victim to attacks, aswell as increasing their range of motion.
Credit : Team Leichi


000 - Carapierce (Steel/Water) - Stell Shell PKMN - Evolves from Carapick lv.40
Carapierce are extremely heavy, and are capable of deflecting nearly any attack. it is believed they used their broad heads to dig into the ocean floor, where they would wait for passing prey, and snap at them with thier front claws.
Credit : Team Leichi


000 - Drakgrim (Dark/Rock) - Scythe Serpent PKMN - Revive from the ChromeScythe Fossil
Adding data later
Credit : Poochyena


000 - Zettawatt (Electric/Ninja) - Crystalic Ninja PKMN
the fastest pokemon on Earth, known for causing crippling electrical storms and blackouts wherever it goes. it is usually only seen as a ball of lightning or a blur by the naked eye.
Credit : Made by Absol Attacker and me


000 - Steasel (Dark/Ice) - Sharp Claw PKMN - Evolves to (not from) Sneasel lv.21
Steasels like to steal berries during the night, and, in the day, it goes to snowy mountains to eat them and play with others pokémons that lives near there. Steasels are docile sometimes, but they are naturally very tricky, like a little imp.
Credit : Made by me.


000 - Abris (Dark/Light(a type that I´ve created)) - Disastrous PKMN - Evolves to(not from) Absol lv.30
It´s a docile pokémon,it likes to help others,but it only does disaster trying to help.This thing happens because it does not control its power,and when evolves,it know that its destiny is the dark side of the force.
Credit:Made by me


000 - Seraphoir (Dark/Flying) - Kind Demon PKMN
Seraphoir are revered for their protecting of pokemon believed to be bad luck. their eight, luxorious wings can create veils of shadows to make themselves and others invisible.
Credit : Absol Attacker


000 - Ranigold (Light/Dragon) - Dragon Morning Guardian PKMN - one of the three legendaries PKMN
Making safe pokémons at the morning,it shines like the sun,and in some seasons,live in the outer atmosphere.This golden pokémon recharge its energy by shining with the sun.
Credit:Absol Attacker


000 - Raniken (Psychic/Dragon) - Dragon Day Guardian PKMN - one of the three legendaries PKMN
Raniken is a PKMN that uses its phychic powers to protect the PKMNs from chaotical creatures such as Shadow PKMNs, Raniken´s powerfull spells make many trainers being obcessed by Raniken´s powers.
Credit : Made by me


000 - Ranilun (Dark/Dragon) - Dragon Night Guardian PKMN - one of the three legendaries PKMN
It patrol the pokémons during the night,it cannot be seen by human or not-dark pokémon eyes,it is as said that Draniros makes moon changes into New Moon,Crescent Moon and others moon forms.
Credit : Made by me,thx sora for the sprites!


000 - Sealgon (Dragon/Water) - Aquatic Dragon PKMN - Another Super Rare PKMN
Sealgon are playful dragon pokemon from the south tropical waters, they can be found in other climates, but their numbers are exceptionally higher near in south tropical temperatures.
Credit : Team Leichi


000 - Draquatic (Dragon/Water) - Aquatic Dragon PKMN - Evolves from Sealgon lv.22
Draquatic are mellow, peacable pokemon that feed off fish. their large eyes allow Draquatic to see in the dark, and its skin is so soft that if you ride on a Draquatic, the chances of you slip and fall to the water are of 40% in every minute.
Credit : Team Leichi


000 - Scavigon (Dragon/Dark) - Mad Dragon PKMN - Evolves from Draquatic lv.47
Scavigon are somewhat vicious Pokemon that swim along the ocean bottom stirring up prey. their quick reflexes and sharp teeth make quick work of small prey.
Credit : Team Leichi


000 - Dratild (Dragon/Psychic) - Mystical Child Dragon PKMN - Super Rare PKMN
This strange dragon have shiny eyes that can blind every pokémon,its attacks are mysterious,and is a unkown pokemon for the scientists.
Credit:Made by Emerald Latias


000 - Dralegon (Dragon/Fighting) - Mystical Karateka Dragon PKMN - Evolves from Dratild lv.23 - Super Rare PKMN
When evolves,its physical body gets more musculous and easy to do powerfull kicks and physical attacks,it is seen in desert areas,Dralegon smash rocks with its legs to train itself.
Credit:Made by me and Emerald Latias


000 - Wyverial(Dragon/Flying) - Giant Mystical Dragon PKMN - Evolves from Dralegon lv.45 - Super Rare PKMN (like Dratini,Larvitar,Bagon and Metagross)
Its wings are very big,making ease the use of its fly,and is very chaotical if it isn´t trained well,it can destroy buildings,and make cities fall down.It is said, that in ancient egipt, they were the pharaoh´s favorite torture pet.
Credit:Made by me and Emerald Latias


000 - Lizunk (Dragon/Steel) - Steel-Armored Dragon PKMN - Super-Rare PKMN
Lizunk are lizard dragons with a steel armor on its body that allows hard body slams, Lizunk lives in extremely hot areas, because of that, Lizunks gain the ability to spell from its mouth fire beams and blasts.
Credit:Legendary_Plushbear, kirbymew


000 - Repteteal (Dragon/Steel) - Steel-Armored Dragon PKMN - Evolution of Lizunk lv.16
Reptetal can be found close to the center of the Earth withstanding and creating heats unimaginable, so it is often called the core POKEMON. With Reptetal's armor, it can resist all fire attacks.
Credit : Legendary_plushbear, Funkmasterwikiwoowoo, kirbymew.


000 - Replite (Dragon/Light) - Shining Dragon PKMN - Evolution of Repteteal evolving 15 lvls. with the hold item Sun Stone.
When evolves, Repteteal loses its steel armor, gain wings and gets sacred abilities, this is Replite. Replites are found in the sky high and can be see clearly at high towers.
Credit : Legendary_Plushbear, kirbymew.


000 - Aerigro (Flying/Light) - Sky Chaotical PKMN - Chaotical (Supposed "Guardian") PKMN
Legend says that it controlled the sky and doomed the people that lives in the ground with its tornados and lightnings. One day, a legendary hero sealed it forever, but, it will be FOREVER?!
Credit : Made by me.


000 - Ninkia (Ninja(a type that I´ve created)/Light) - Seal Master PKMN - Guardian PKMN (a "Rayquasa" in this pokédex)
It seals the power of the three chaotical pokémons,if it sleeps or it been fainted,the chaotical pokémons may be easly awaked,and part of the world shall be destroyed.
Credit:Made by me


000 - Blakai (Light/Steel) - Holy Knight PKMN - Guardian PKMN (In another version)
Some says that isn´t Ninkia who seals the chaotic PKMN,but it is Blakai,its ability with sword and shield mixed with its magic make a powerfull move that only Blakai can spell.
Credit:Made by me and ShadowMaster


000 - Usaria (???) - Mystery PKMN - Impossible-to-find PKMN (like Mew,Celebi and Jirachi)
Unkown PKMN, no data displayed of it. The only thing known is that in the ruins,some draws are made of it,it says that this supossed pokémon may save the world with its powers.
Credit : Made by me.

If you wants to bring your pokémon to be part of pokedex,put his image,name,type and what kind of pokemon is it,if he have any evolution,and its info,you can post its evolutions later,I can accept custom types of PKMNs too,but only 5 types more.

Custom Types : Light and Ninja (by me)
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Hybrid Fusion Blaziken said:
I'd like to see pictures

And you will see,but not the pictures of Armighty and Armarage,because i am working on them =D

absol attacker

go, my army!
a giant, metal armadillo....sounds like something i'd make....

sounds intriguing, i can't wait for the pics.


heh,sorry absol attacker,i didn´t know your metal armadillo

the images are now acessible,please,post your custom pokemons


They're all very nice. It must have taken you forever to make so many sprites.
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Well-Known Member
Hey! Armaspike is just a recolored Kuribu! From Diamond and Jade, I believe. Am I right?

Blue Persian

Yes I beleve you're right Freakachu it is Kuribu!

[SPOIL]I don't play on those games because they've got swear words in them!!![/SPOIL]


Freakachu said:
Hey! Armaspike is just a recolored Kuribu! From Diamond and Jade, I believe. Am I right?

not right,i´ve picked his head,paste in abra´s body and put some details like:larvitar´s eyes,and larvitar s symbol (at the center)


Chaotic Dreamer
Whoa, i like these, especialy the panleaf line. But Ninkia looks too colorful... Abris is cute.



Those are quite good. I like them! I ESPECIALLY LOVE Jolfix and its evolutions. That's some good sprites there, yup. ^.^
OFF TOPICNESS: In your PM, what did you mean by "custom"? (I know what it means, but...) Did you mean custom as in "practically a fakemonm, such a good sprite", or actually doing it by scratch?


Some of them are a little bit cluttered with so many bits and pieces, but for the most part, they're quite well done. ^_^ I can't wait to see the rest of your Pokedex!

Abris would have to be my favorite.. but that's coming from me. XD Putting my bias aside, the Panleaf family is quite good too. ^_^


FoxBoi's Partner
Rökkan said:

015 - Jolfix (Electric/Dark) - Child Wolf PKMN

016 - Sparken (Electric/Dark) - Wolf PKMN - Evolves from Jolfix lv.17

017 - Lightails (Electric/Dark) - Wolf PKMN - Evolves from Jolfix by Thunder Stone
Hm. It seems as if I had seen those somewhere else.. but you have edited the face a lot.. Hm. o.o Yea, even if I am right, ignoring me would be best.. as always. ._____.
....The fourth one is from Pokemon Jade/ Diamond.. well... it looks like that..
=D Yey, let's just pretend I never spoke, m' K?


don´t just comment,those sprites are in my sprite thread,i am doing this topic for people post their custom pokemons to do a amazing custom pokedex,so,please,just comment in my sprite thread

OBS:I´ve made Armighty and its evolution!I am going to post soon!


It's interesting; and those two new types... Would Scyther, Ariados or Ninjak consider "ninja pokemon"? And dark and "light" pokemon will be oposite like ghost and physic?


O_O those sprites are awesome! 11/10
I think I know where you got the idea for Armaspike...
Lightails is probably my favorite of your sprites.


Nice sprites.I like the shoguen ones.I like the use of a stick and Seedt's top.Ninkias pretty sweet.Well they're all awesome!

(btw, pm me if you would want them in my rpg, credits of course)


well,I´ve edited them!
1-More PKMNS by Emerald Latias
2-Armighty and Armarage maded!
3-Deletion of the Super Rare PKMNs,mading others super-rares by Emerald Latias

plz,don´t hesitate,post your custom ones!