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Custom Trainer Sprites

these are the some of the first sprites i made and anyone who wants to use one can. I'll make more later
Trainer Sprites

Pokemon Sprites yes i know it says trainer sprites

i know this isn't the best and it's only the first one i made

Trainer Cards
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that's because i've had them on here before but i deleted the old thread and i've used them in a couple things
i made some new ones



This is a D/P version of the sprite above

my first pokemon fusion sprites and yeah i know it kinda sucks
yeah they're only my first ones
sorry for the double post but woohoo I just learned how to make trainer cards



Remi|X|ing Time
canu make one for me??? if u can, cauz i get a cool looking dude.like a mix with most male charatcers.i want it to be hot ^_^> THANX!!!!