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Customized Trainers?! FINALLY!!!


o snp.
It's something that we've been waiting for...to customize your character in a pokemon game...and with PBR...NOW IT'S POSSIBLE!


If I can, I am so making my character a girl (obviously) named Steph and I'd make her be wearing Jeans and a light blue t-shirt with a yellow star on it...I'd mkae her hair blonde...and....um.....IN A PONYTAIL! :D

What do you guys want YOUR characters to look like?
no offense but thers already a thread about this and how u would look like. sorry :(


o snp.
no offense but thers already a thread about this and how u would look like. sorry :(

Aw man...I'm sorry then ^^;

I didn't see the thread though... o.o


Well-Known Member
Yeah cause of that n00b that posted that false release date 12 times and wont delete it!