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Custumized Trainer able to transfer to DP


Well-Known Member
We know that the DS can get information transfered from the Wii, so what if after creating your customised character in PBR, you can transfer a 2d sprite version of it onto your DP?


No, I can garuntee you that this will not happen


I think not. It sounds to good. GF can give Togetic an evo tough. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I know it probably wont happen but its still a good idea, and theres a small chance it could, I mean I remember all those people who said Aipom wouldnt get an evo but he did


Well-Known Member
But this is MUCH different. Aipom is a residential piece of data that will be buolt in to revolution. A customizable character, I'm guessing, is NOT built into D/P.


Well-Known Member
I clearly stated that the Wii is able to transfer data onto the DS cards, nintendo also said it would be able to expand them so dont you think that the wii will be able to expand the DS card by adding in the custom sprite? It doesnt even have to save the whole customizing feature, just the sprite


I am Erureido
I clearly stated that the Wii is able to transfer data onto the DS cards, nintendo also said it would be able to expand them so dont you think that the wii will be able to expand the DS card by adding in the custom sprite? It doesnt even have to save the whole customizing feature, just the sprite

Yes, but you would need to make such a sprite in that image. That means mini clothes and stuff. I really, really doubt such a thing can happen because that would probably waste some valuble space on the PBR game itself, plus the multiple times one may be using the burning feature may very well damage the card. Also, this may also create a better chance for virus' and stuff of the like.


Well-Known Member
How would it create a virus? Viruses dont just pop up from thin air. It could create a glitch, not a virus, and how would it damage the card, they are transfering wirelessly


I am Erureido
How would it create a virus? Viruses dont just pop up from thin air. It could create a glitch, not a virus, and how would it damage the card, they are transfering wirelessly

its still writing data to the card, be it wireless or by cord. And i ment glitch, sorry. I get those two mixed a when it comes to cart games like this.
That'd be nice. But I'd say it's unlikeley...

And I think Nintendo would be able to avoid glitches somehow. It's not hard. In fact the mere mention of such is...Well yeah, you see where I'm going with this.
Ah no. It wont happen but you may be able to send characters to other PBR games and maybe store them on your Wiimote just like the Miis. That way just by taking your control to your friends house you can use your own person to play.


Well-Known Member
Well, it couldn't happen for reasons stated before.
"And I think Nintendo would be able to avoid glitches somehow"
Lets review the well-known glitches in the poke games alone:
Missingno glitch
Shemii glitch
Darkrai glitch
Glitch City
Cloning glitch in emerald, crystal, ect.,ect.
Pokemon Colliseum's infinate pokeball glitch
The PMDB data earse glitch.
So, yah, I think not.Gltiches aren't completely avoidable, just saying.


Girls Play too ^_^
I doubt it. BUT, since the custom characters in PBR will be "click together" characters (i.e. face 4, pants 2, jacket 7 etc.), it may well be able to save the info for the created character on to the D/P card.
That way if you linked up to any PBR you wouldn't have to recreate the character.
They've done added data like that in the previous pokémon games, so why not.
Oh, and writing to the card many times will not damage the card... what do you think you're doing every time you save the game?!?


Pokemon Collecter
So, yah, I think not.Gltiches aren't completely avoidable, just saying.

Uhh. Glitches ARE completely avoidable - it just takes A LOT of testing and coding. GF have done quite well, actually, only having such a small amount of glitches per game.

In theory, putting your character onto your DS is possible, but very, VERY (veryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryvery) unlikely to happen. Don't get your hopes up.