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Cute Hikari~


Beginning Trainer
I tried using Ken's style, just with a little mix of my style as well. I'm really starting like Hikari. She's energetic, and adorable.


Umi Mizuno

☠ one girl army
Cute! Except the eyes are a bit strange looking and once again, HIKARI HAS NO PANTSU. :O Not any that we can see of course, unless she really isn't wearing anything under that mini-skirt of hers.
It's a cute picture. You made her chin too pointy though. And her eyes look a little strange as well. I do love how you coloured it though.


Ooh, maaaan!
Man, this is really good, but don't you think she looks a little bit... lopsided? Like, in the face and legs, it looks a bit off. But I guess it's not something to complain about seeing as it's pretty damn great otherwise. :)

Flame Haze SnS

Her face is a little misplaced (including her chin), but other than that, she is really cute! ^_^

Kudo to ya for really cute art! ^_^

Shadow Ichigo

Left On A Journey
Wow cute Hikari drawing you made Shandi. The eyes are good but alittle weird. And the chin is too pointy. But is still good^^. Keep it up.


Staff member
Super Mod
This is really nice. However, the position of her eyes and mouth look kinda strange and awkward ^^;;. The chin is also very pointy. Otherwise, this looks nice. :)


baby tooth!

I like your style alot! The colours are so smooth! I love them! The only thing that I'm not quite fond of is the sharp angles that appear around her shoulder.