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Cute Pokemon couples thread

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Kim and Kam Fan

Huge Anabel Fan
if this doesn't go here mods please move.

what pokemon do you think are the cutest in couples,i think Mime jr. and Bonsly go together (if mime jr.'s are mostly girls.)


Torterra Firma
Agnomu and Mew.


Rioru and Korinku.
I would say Rentoraa and Lucario because I can picture them together, but they just ain't all that cute...well sorta but not really...Ok there are...to me that is...and possibly other people too...I better finsh this meesage now before I type to much rubbish >_<;...


for some odd reason i think jirachi and vaporeon look good together, especiall in the d/p sprites, it is quite cute when they are put together.

:S lol

pokechuppa x


Gust of Wind
Zangoose and Seviper~!
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