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Cutest/Hottest girl in Pokemon Anime

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Note I said GIRL. That means you have a choice, not just Misty or May. I looked around, and all the topics with a similar question are now dead. So I have this question:

Who is the best looking/cutest/hottest female character in the Anime? Hopefully that will clear up some confusion. :D

Mods if this is pointless, please close this.


Yeah, ok!
I'm pretty sure there's a thread just like this, but here are my top 3:

Top "hotties" in Pokemon:

1. May
2. Daisy
3. Caroline

And yes, I included both May and her mother. (MILF).

May is a pretty obvious choice, since she's a cute, sweet, innocent, naive, lovable, and huggable little schoolgirl. :x

Plus her excellent figure (She has curves in all the right places, I can't wait to see how she's developed when she's 15!), attractive face, lovely unique hairstyle, and fantastic personality makes her a winner in my books.

Daisy is a blonde bombshell, and she is literally gorgeous even with the ditzy personality.

And as for Caroline....DID YOU SEE THAT RACK! I can see where May gets her good looks from. Oh man, Norman has it too good. A hot wife AND a hot daughter!? Oh my.

Last edited:
1 Misty
2 Melody
3 Flannery


So hot he's on fire.
Liza. :D Not the Dragon girl Liza, I mean Liza Liza.

...Brawly looks good in a dress! ;o;

I actually really loved Janette, too. She was really pretty. <3 And Temaku. I'd say Domino too, but...nyehhh.

Eriko and Vivian are really cute (Vivian has Ooshair!), as is Yuriko. XD

Wow, I'm so bi. >3


Well-Known Member
I'd say Kogomi, even if she hasn't exactly appeared. +whistles innocently+

Mmmm. I think Luana's pretty cute too. I don't know why I like her so much, I just do. X3


Custom User Title
Awg. :x This is why I'm not a fanboy because there are far too many girls in Pocket Monsters to pick only one. XP

At the moment, I'm going to have to go with Nagi because she's so beautiful and graceful. <3 And she had the extreme good fortune to be in an episode animated by Team Ota. ^_^

Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
I'm a girl, but there are some girl characters that I think are pretty.

1) Anabel
2) May
3) Misty

Anabel is the coolest pokemon girl character from Pokemon and the Games. Period.


Want my opinion? Too bad. :p

In no discreneble order:

Flannery. Asuna pulls off those hip huggers better than ANY female character in Pokemon and you know it. ;)
Marina, that's one's pretty obvious.
May, also obvious. Bandana sexy. :)


May has to be the hottest anime girl ever!! No one, and I mean no one, can compare to May!!

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
Erika is the most attractive of the girls on Pokemon.

*Attacked and mamed by Flannery fans.*

Squeaky Yugi

Bring on the Metapod

May would be on my list, but she looks so creepy without her bandana on, so...

6) Shaina
5) Claire
4) Crystal
3) Flannery
2) Prof. Ivy
1) Prima

All for pretty much the same reason(s)

Cap D. Blue

I'm gonna say say what I've said before: May. Why?
May is a pretty obvious choice, since she's a cute, sweet, innocent, naive, lovable, and huggable little schoolgirl. :x

Plus her excellent figure (She has curves in all the right places, I can't wait to see how she's developed when she's 15!), attractive face, lovely unique hairstyle, and fantastic personality makes her a winner in my books.


Custom User Title
The Big Al said:
Erika is the most attractive of the girls on Pokemon.

*Attacked and mamed by Flannery fans.*
I was really tempted to pick her too, but I was just in more of a Nagi mood today. *shrugs* Erika definately gets honorable mention though. :3


Cybercubed said:
May is a pretty obvious choice, since she's a cute, sweet, innocent, naive, lovable, and huggable little schoolgirl. :x

Plus her excellent figure (She has curves in all the right places, I can't wait to see how she's developed when she's 15!), attractive face, lovely unique hairstyle, and fantastic personality makes her a winner in my books.
Cybercubed wins the Golden Milotic award for his description of May. She's got flippin' big...uh...boobies. Onoz I said boobies shoot meh. XD


~Thîrûttû R⚢âl~
Usually...i don't say who's hottest or...looks best...but i have said in HURT/HEAL GAME...Flannery is...and she is...

#1 Flannery...reason i say that is...as she's to be the best drawn out character of MATURE GIRL...so...SHE'S NUMBER ONE...

and then i'd have to say May...as she cool...and the clothing is STYLISH...


Im going to go along with the other perverted boys and go along with Flannery. Damn her and that rather small/tight outfit of hers!

Cyndaquil's No.1 Fan

Hottest Girl?
1) Misty
2) Delia
3) Daisy
4) Suzy

The others... Nah... Dun really care...
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