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Cutest/Hottest GUY in the anime



I was totally in love with Brock (when I was 10!), My fanfic character married Tracey, Ash is a cute kid... Oh it's hard... does Mewtwo count? Ok currently my pick is Aaron from the movie ^_^ I'm guy crazy so it'll probably change soon... James looks good in different clothes with his hair pulled back.... ... .... ...Aaron who? ... ;249-d; <<--- That's cute


So hot he's on fire.
Y helo thar having a topic on this already. One page back. Don't make topics for threads that already exist.

And btw the cutest are, without question, Brawly, Todd, Morty, Eusine and Kudou. <3


+kiss of an angel+
Ohhh...that's hard. Satoshi or Shuu....hmmm. They're both hot. Very hot.


Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
Geez, no one said you were. It's not like you have to be gay to say someone of your gender is cute or hot.

Anyway, the hottest guy in the series is Jirarudan. Heck, he's so hot that you don't even notice how ridiculous his hair is!