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cutest of ashs pokemon


christian 4ever
what pokemon of ash is the cutest........?i think squirtle
i like to talk about squirtle all the time

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
his big, cuddly snorlax...

Ice Cold Glalie

Well-Known Member
It's also a choice between Aipom and Snorunt aswell. i love them both

;361; ICG


Well-Known Member
I think chikorita is actually


Well-Known Member
taillow and charmander x3


Beginning Trainer
Pikachu of course


Powerplay Champion
Charmander for sure.


Contaminated KFC
I'd have said Phanpy, if not for the fact that my first encounter with the creature involved my eardrums being punished by recycled 'Phanpy PHAN! PHANPAAAAY!'s.
There's also the fact that it evolved, but hey. I needed something to be negative about, right? ;)

Answering the topic at hand; Bayleef. Torkoal also had it's moments.


Staff member
Super Mod
I like pretty much all of Ash's portrayed-as-cute Pokémon like Pikachu, Snorunt, Cyndaquil and Squirtle [etc.], but I think Corphish is the most adorable-looking one of them all.

Although Totodile is hella cute as well, Corphish stays number one. Especially when it wears that headband. It's wuvliness <3