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Midnight Darkrai

Guitar Harmonix
Is Cyndaquil a good starter on Pokemon mystery dungeon?

If yes then say why

If no then say which one you think is better and why

I was just wandering because my imported mystery dungeon copy is due to (or at least should do) arrive soon and I wanted to choose \cyndaquil (haven't used since pokemon silver) but Charmander seems to be the most popular starter.

Sorry if this is spamming, i'm like Safyre (my freind on these forums) I can get confused. :(


Come along, dear
First off. you don't choose your starter, you become it after a test int he begining. Now on topic; I'm a Cyndaquil, and tohugh I know nothing of popularity I find Cndaquil good becase he gets the great Flame Wheel and Quick Attack, both very handy for the game.


Well-Known Member
I'd say yes. I have one, and, well....I can't really say why it's a good partner exactly, but Quick Attack to help you from behind is good to have, and helpful against one of the harder bosses, Articuno....But maybe that's just me?

Midnight Darkrai

Guitar Harmonix
Yeah I know about the test thing. I'm going to answer the questions using an FAQ so that I increase the points for timid (nature to get cyndaquil).
And when I said starter I meant pokemon you become at the start, sorry for the mix-up. :)


fredfredburger yes!
yes cyndaquail is cool he is my buddy! now he a thyplosion.... but he made a great best friend!

[Paper Snow]

MNU spreads lies
I say yes, but not because he has great attacks or can pwn or anything, but because Typhlosion is one of my favorite Pokémon.


Not really here.
Cyndaquil is really great in this game. It was the first person I was when I beat the game. He levels up fast. He gets GREAT moves. Is strong. So yes, Cyndaquil is great. But when you are a Typlosion, you are a WHOLE lot better.


<Soto the Quilava!
Yeah, I like Cyndaquil a lot. It's early Quick Attack can strike when he's behind you (which saved me several times), so if you become cyndaquil, if your partner is in trouble and you're behind him, you can attck without risking your own HP. Flame Wheel can hit through corners, and is powerful. Cyndaquil learns good attacks that can hit from useful angles, so I think it's a good choice.


Hiya C Blaze!

Cyndaquil can really murder Pokemon. I'd say he's a great starter! (although I hate him for murdering ME)


Well-Known Member
I'm a Cyndaquil, and yeah he really is handy... ^_^

His attacks, and combos make him so much stronger, and powerful.

I wasn't interested in Cyndaqill before, but after training and evolving him I felt how cool it is to have one...
It's pretty good and can obliterate foes if it had the right parnter.
Yes. Im not saying this because he is my most fav starter of all time but he is freakin' awesome! He is so dang strong. Oh and there is no Tm Thunderpunch in PMD but there is one in G/S/C.


Cyndaquil is a good pick because he can level up pretty fast, and he has strong attacks.


. . .
Yes and no.

Yes because of the really good moves it gets and Tpunch.

No because of the fact that there are many water and ground dungeons that will murder it. (Ground are mainly in the beggining.)

I would get Cyndaquil if I were you.