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D: Blondes have more fun...

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XD Maybe it's true, maybe it's not. BUTTTTTTTTTTT I have a little pic here that I did. From my fic, she's going to be the Leader (Like a Gym Leader) Of Sevii Island Number Five. Spoiled little rich girl....I INTRODUCE! This pic is huge.....o-o;;


D: Comments PLZKTHNX Oh, and I know Mantine came out weird. O_O;; His eyes......BOTTOMLESS PITS I TELL YOU! *explode*


POSTNOTE: Any advice on how to SHADE FURTHER would be of GREAT HELP. ^^ Or any advice on shading in general. Thanks in advance!
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Saber, awesome. Now you're releasing spoilers for PR:CoF. Hah! Now, I guess Mantine is her signature Pokemon, and her strongest Pokemon right? Is that the Rich Girl who lives in Resort whatsoever it's called? Answer, please, if not, I shall steal one of your Gigi Plushies, Kai Plushies, Saber Plusies, and etc...


Well-Known Member
[harshness]The Mantine looks like it's made of cardboard, and am I supposed to believe that all of Felicia's body receives the same amount of light?[/harshness]
Anyway other than tone that is great art, I can never be bothered to draw Mantine(good Pokemon, just doesn't appeal to me arctistically). The character is differant as well. Now, did I'll take a Vulcan, Axel, Saber, Kai, Chris, Janine, Gigi, Saber's Venusaur(I'm ashamed, i forgot the Kanto starters nicknames), Chris's Charizard, Kai's Blastoise, Saber's hairbrush, Ray, Reczet, Darkheart, Sprink, Illis, Kai's Arcanine Oh just give me the whole cast as PLUSHIES!!!


Coral Eye Trainer
=O OMG, you finally posted up one of your art pieces. YAY!
I really like how you colored her hair and eyes, but her outfits and skin seems a little flat. Maybe if you add a little more shading to skin and outfit, it would give a little dimension to her body. It seems that you're afraid to add more shading to her, so maybe if you have photoshop, you can add those colors without hurting your original drawing. That's what i usually do. ^_^
Wow, not only does xXSaberXx writes the best fics, but she's also an artist. *Huggles* She's the best. =D

Summer Wolf

Hmmm... Well, overall the picture is pretty good! But, there are some problems.

Her left sleeve should follow the rules of gravity and sorta fall... But applying gravity sucks... gravity sucks.
Anyways, eyes could be a bit closer to the nose (*Shrug* Not sure... Give it a try =3 plwease)
And the shading on the clothes seem unrelistic, but the hair and the eyes are great! Like Solla suggested, just add more shading if you can!

Still the picture is good, doing well in porportion, design, etc.
And very interesting. The Trust badge eh? I'll just wait and see for Felicia to show up in your fanfic!


Actually, it looks great with minimal shading, though if you were to outline it with pure black, then it would hurt. Mantine! It's not often you see it alot.

Shading..hmm...It's kinda hard to explain because that's something you can learn from paying attention to daily life and paying attention to other people's works. It maybe hell, but soft shading is the easiest type of shading compared to cell (one color shading) since cell is only one or two shades while soft is many shades so it's easier to obtain a 3-D shape. It's a lame advice, but think the doodle as 3-D even though it was a 2-D doodle and just consider the lighting (From the right, to the top, dull light, bright light) and the shadings caused. (Heck, I can ramble more about shading but I'm not a crip XP;;)

There should be wrinkles on the unstetched, 'inner elbows', which are not drawn in (the wrinkles) and should be and there is where there should some shading on it, like 2 or more curved triangles heading down to the elbow. There should also be shading where the arm pits meets the top torso, because that is where the fabric 'colides'. The shading there kinda looks like alot of curved triangles joint up together by the flat standing part, if you know what I mean. The light source is very hard to tell, and you can't say there is a bright light as an excuse because other wise it would have lots of highlights on the skin and clothing.

Don't be afraid to show as much as of the hands as possible that you don't make the character OOC. Proportion wise, the elbow should be 'upper' and both parts of the arms were too long, consider that your elbow reaches your stomach if your arm was to your lap so logically, it's kinda abit too long.

I really like her pose, because it wasn't static or stale at all, her posture and pose is very natural and kinda tells me that she's the confident, semi-girly bratty type X) The Manine is very cute because his eyes are simple and 'care-free'.

Anyway, good work, keep on drawing; we need more 'XxSaberxX' written at the bottem of the topic link in the forums XD

Edit: Oh yes, even though her head is at 3/4 view, her farthest eye only toughes the face line a little, like just the eye lash or something. Anyway, its very common in anime for the nearest eye to be closer the ear, but since you draw smaller eyes, it should be abit farther apart from the ear :3
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Sapphire: o_O heehee. THANKS!

SF: I know. I need to BE BETTERRRRRRRR! XP Thanks though. *takes plushies*

Solla: Not as good an artist as you! ^^ I STRIVE TO BE LIKE YOU! *hugs* yes, I think I'm afraid to shade because I think It'll turn out wrong. :/ I'm a coward. BUT I WILL FOLLOW YOUR ADVICE! *salutes* Thanks!

Summer: Yes, I have a problem with 3-D and folds and everything that makes a drawing not static. ;-; I'm trying to get better at it. xP Thanks for the advice, Ima try to follow it! ^^

Kidodi: Hmmm, I see what you mean. So, you imagine where the light comes from and shade from there? o-o;;; I think I get it now...My arm's suck, I know. Thanks. I have a problem with elbows too. D: My eye shapes need to be worked on. I NEED TO REDO MY STLYE! xP I shall practice and practice and try my best!

*bows to*

PS. Love your sig. LOVE IT. *huggles Orochi* TSU ORO JI FOREVAR!!!111one

Thanks guys for all your help. ^^


Well-Known Member
For shading, the Burn, Dodge, and Smudge tools are your overlords. WORSHIP THEM PLZ! D:


I LOVE the work you did with her eyes. *_* Teh secksay.

Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
Nice pic, Saber...seems like your starting to give out spoilers to your story now...lol. Well, everything I was going to say was already said so follow those comments woman! *slaps* :D

Anyway, awesome piccy, ten times better than I could do....but I'll shall await more art from you...*coughdrawallthecharacterscough*





Byes, Saber!

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