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d/p cartridge colors

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Hilo Thar!
i dont know wether i should have put this under fourth generation threads but, anyone who owns d/p already could you tell me if the cartridge is colored, (not the label) or is it just black???

Mega Trickster

Blargagh blargh
The labels are shiny and stuff but the cartridges are regular ones.


Well-Known Member
dammit i was looking forward to a pink game lol


Shame the tradition has ended, I like having them games diffrent colors (Made them easyer to spot)


oblivion weilder
i definately think that the coloured carts look better and i dont have to read them to see what game i wanna play
perhaps it's just in japan that they're not colouring them

Nintendo are probably aware of how badly the US responds to change, and europe.


I love garlic. :P
We can only hope... And wait.... Wahahahahahaha...
Yeah, it could be cool... I wish that they are in blue-black, or something like that...


Queen of Charizards!
I dunno, I don't think NOA have magic wands to change the entie DS game cartrige color corrosponding with the version


What do I put here?
Aww they should have coloured one's. Diamond could be clear light blue and Pearl clear, light pink.


Well-Known Member
i definately think that the coloured carts look better and i dont have to read them to see what game i wanna play

Talk about lazy -.-;

Meh, I'd like colored cards just because I'm used to that, but I could care less either way. I mean, at least you're playing the game right?


Queen of Charizards!
I really like the cartriges being in color. It seems like they won't be
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