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D/P Dex Entries


Active Member
I know that Coronis has put a lot of them up on the forum already (which we should all be grateful for) but is there any news of the other 380 or so? I'm hoping we learn of them soon! Anyone have any information about this? It has been some time since the others were put up. I"m not meaning to be impatient, but I just figure that they should be up soon. I'm hoping they do show up soon!

Edit: Any by entry, I mean this:

D – It is portrayed in myths as the pokemon who created the universe with 1000 arms.
P – It is described in myths as the first pokemon being born when the universe is still in the state of complete emptiness.
Last edited:

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
Use the edit button.


Don't double post, just use the edit button. Please read the rules too. The D/P dex is finished...


Active Member
Sorry about the double post. However, this information is stuff that some people like to know for the sake of it. And seeing how 100 or so have already been translated, it shouldn't be too hard to get the rest done! And I thank those who do this once again!

P.S. Are any contest ribbon sprites for D/P out?


Active Member
I mean THESE entries:
D – It is portrayed in myths as the pokemon who created the universe with 1000 arms.
P – It is described in myths as the first pokemon being born when the universe is still in the state of complete emptiness.

Coronis already has some up, but I'm wondering if 1st-3rd gens will get up, and then if the dex will be updated with them.