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D/P Release date Europe?


Newest Shiny~
Anyone who knows?




Super Gamer
It'll probably come out atleast a month or two after the US release. We expect it in March, so yall may get it in April or May.



Newest Shiny~
That's too long XD

darkpkmn fan1

Well-Known Member
I think the games come out in the for me in the U.K. about a month after they do in the U.S. Well, emerald did and so did R/S.


Team Xenon!
Knowing GF, about around november next year (or is that chunsoft), but i'm getting it from america.


Newest Shiny~
I think I'm also going to buy it from America
It's the same language
it'll come out in australia before europe, because Nintendo insist on translating their games into all the european languages before we brits get it D:

so I'll import it from Oz. Same region, 2 months before :)