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D/P's release on Ireland


Well-Known Member
Hello, I don't know if this should be in here, if not, please move it, anyway, if possible can anyone tell me when is the release of D/P on Ireland, I don't know where to find it, I will really appreciate it. I really want to buy one but I don't know when it will come out, please close this thread after it is answered, thanks^_^.


no one seem to know yet :/ i want to know too, cuz i guess it's the same time, or almost, in Sweden


Well-Known Member
Okay, please if anyone can PM me if you know when it will be released, I will appreciate itif you do, thanks, please close this thread if possible^_^


Sometimes a bit rude
No one knows when it'll be released, but rest assured, it'll be around the same time as the UK, m'kay?