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Dabou's Comics [Version 2.0]


Pokemon Master
Last edited:

Frenzy boy

Active Member
ur back :) big fan of ur work well bye

* puts in favorites*


Pokemon Master
Thanks you guys, I feel better already (I gots a cold)

The sprited version was added, enjoy!


new episode!

PWND [Episode 2]


Only 3% of the people who viewed my thread posted in it. If you are part of the 97% which didn't, post. Now. C&C plz. Thanks.

*EDIT* I put the 2 first chapters of PTUQ up. Enjoy!


Pokemon Master
well, I thought I might do that, but I just got an idea last night (During the Erin thing. I know, it's weird) that will change SPPF fo' eva'!

Anyways, expect this comic in a while.

*Major Edit*

Yes, a new serie, and it does have better quality (let's hope you guys will post a bit more because of this). This comic takes place in, yup you guessed it, SPPF forums! The main charecter are, of course, myself and two other people that will appear later... anyways, without further ado... Life on SPPF!

Episode 1

Alright, here's the deal! You guys aren't posting here... exept maybe the three generous people who did. Is it because I suck or something? If so, isn't there spose to be C&C needed here?


Pokemon Master
Good to see you too!

I'm sorry to say to all the PWND fans (that may not be much...) but I don't feel like continuing it, I pretty much did em' to pass time until I get a idea for another comic (life on SPPF).


Active Member
ah to much chatspeak. the lif on sppf one isneat, the grapphics asre neat and the pokemon sprites are a big relif from md ones...
but one thing really, all the pants must be veryvery large, do they even have shhoes? it would sem better if at least a bit of shoe peeked out imo.

otherwise thes are very wel done. ^^


Pokemon Master
ah to much chatspeak. the lif on sppf one isneat, the grapphics asre neat and the pokemon sprites are a big relif from md ones...
but one thing really, all the pants must be veryvery large, do they even have shhoes? it would sem better if at least a bit of shoe peeked out imo.

otherwise thes are very wel done. ^^

Well, the sprites are kinda made that way, but shoes are a good idea, thanks!
^But they could be edited, no? Glad to see your back though, I read your comic, but never really posted. Shame on me. I'm glad to see PTUQ back, and life on serebii looks promising. Is it going to be focused on battles, or other things?


Pokemon Master
^But they could be edited, no? Glad to see your back though, I read your comic, but never really posted. Shame on me. I'm glad to see PTUQ back, and life on serebii looks promising. Is it going to be focused on battles, or other things?

Accually, the comic will be focused on battle, adventure and other things I can't say [OMG! Spoilers!]. But I'm very glad you decided to post :)

Expect the next comic near... the end of the week.


The comic looks okay. It's good to see some other sprites then the old fr/lg or r/s sprites. The combination of the trainersprite's head and the megaman's torso is a good idea in my opinion. Can't wait to see the next one...


Pokemon Master
The comic looks okay. It's good to see some other sprites then the old fr/lg or r/s sprites. The combination of the trainersprite's head and the megaman's torso is a good idea in my opinion. Can't wait to see the next one...

Thanks Beco. Sad news guys, the next comic will be majorly delayed, Projects, School and other stuff. Sorry!


never mind

Episode 2

C&C is accepted. Any comments too (exept spam).


Gimme a hug!!
Kinda funny. A little self-serving. I'm not sure how much I like autobiographical comics, because all the ones I've seen just seem to be outlets for authors to boast about their coolness or mastery of pokémon.


Pokemon Master
Kinda funny. A little self-serving. I'm not sure how much I like autobiographical comics, because all the ones I've seen just seem to be outlets for authors to boast about their coolness or mastery of pokémon.

Trust me, it won't be (completly) like that. They aren't the best one in the whole forum, but umong the best, thass all.

Now, I'm sure most of you are kinda confused, so I'm going to put a page about what it is.


Christmas Special

The first special! Comments plz. C&C welcome.
Heh, the christmas special is funny, good job. I like the way you did the expression. The second LOS is sort of bland, but I like the way you sprited it. I also like that backround you used in it's second episode.


Pokemon Master
Heh, the christmas special is funny, good job. I like the way you did the expression.

Thanks, I worked really hard on em'! :)

The second LOS is sort of bland, but I like the way you sprited it. I also like that backround you used in it's second episode.

Well, not much was going on in that episode. The next will reveal more of the plot line, fo' sure!

Next episode should pop up soon, probably Sunday or Monday.


Pokemon Master

suicune says: "I'm watching this comic. when's the next episode?"


Next episodes should be out at the end of every week. Though next episode might be late.