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ah to much chatspeak. the lif on sppf one isneat, the grapphics asre neat and the pokemon sprites are a big relif from md ones...
but one thing really, all the pants must be veryvery large, do they even have shhoes? it would sem better if at least a bit of shoe peeked out imo.
otherwise thes are very wel done. ^^
^But they could be edited, no? Glad to see your back though, I read your comic, but never really posted. Shame on me. I'm glad to see PTUQ back, and life on serebii looks promising. Is it going to be focused on battles, or other things?
The comic looks okay. It's good to see some other sprites then the old fr/lg or r/s sprites. The combination of the trainersprite's head and the megaman's torso is a good idea in my opinion. Can't wait to see the next one...
Kinda funny. A little self-serving. I'm not sure how much I like autobiographical comics, because all the ones I've seen just seem to be outlets for authors to boast about their coolness or mastery of pokémon.
Heh, the christmas special is funny, good job. I like the way you did the expression.
The second LOS is sort of bland, but I like the way you sprited it. I also like that backround you used in it's second episode.
suicune says: "I'm watching this comic. when's the next episode?"