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Damage C.


[Insert Wacky Title]
1) If you use BEDMAS: Brackets, (forgot what E was), Division, Multiplication, Addition, Substraction, I would do the 100/5 first. Then multiple that by 2, then add 2. So far, you have 24 inside the first brackets.

Next, multiply that by 100. The following 100/100 is just 1, so you can get rid of it altogether. Currently, you have 2400. Divide it completely by 50, you get 48. Then add 2, you get 50. The following 100/100 is also 1, so get rid of it.

Overall damage = 50.

I don't see where you got 8402 from. :x

2) I'll do the same with another random example off the top of my head.


So, it's 85/5 = 17. That times 2 = 34; then add 2, you get 36. Multiply it by 70, you get 2520. Multiply it by (100/80), you get 3150.

Divide it by 50, you get 63. Add 2, you get 65. Multiply it all by (70/100), you end up with 45.5

Overall Damage = 45.5 = 46.

The formula does work, if you do it in the right order.

Btw, you're missing "STAB x Weakness/Resistance" It comes right before the Random Number. Unless STAB is 1, and your opponent doesn't have a weakness against you.
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That equals 86, not 8402. And the formula written in the damage guide is the correct formula.
edit: and if you would like to see it worked out,
just ignore the x100/100, since it just cancels out to 1.
again, the 100/100 just cancels out to 1, so ignore it.
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<-- Solves any case!
Use your windows calculator if you're having trouble with the order. Just put it in EXCATLY how it is formulated. And yes it is the correct formula.


<-- Solves any case!
Type in (((( 2 * level / 5 + 2 ) * attackstat * attack power / defence stat) / 50) + 2) * stab [1 if none, 1.5 if it has] * weakness or resistance [0.25 if resistant twice, 0.5 if resistant once, 1 if neutral, 2 if super once 4 if super twice] * random number [between 85 and 100] / 100

things between [] are explanations so don't insert those. for the rest insert them literally and you shouldn't have any problems.


I like pie.
1) If you use BEDMAS: Brackets, (forgot what E was),

it's exponent, the little number in the top right corner of the number that tells you to square it and stuff like that. anyways, if you are in grade 6 or higher, bedmas shouldn't be bothering you. write it out in full on paper.