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Dangerous Shiny Hunting FAQ

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Missingno. Master

Poison-type Trainer
This FAQ is to warn people of any possible shiny Pokemon that have attacks that can seriously screw up your chances of capturing them.

Route 101; No danger, unless you're at the beginning of the game w/ no Pokeballs

Route 103; No danger, unless you're at the beginning of the game w/ no Pokeballs

Route 102; No danger

Route 104; No danger

Petalburg Forest; No danger

Route 116; Abra w/ Teleport *EMERALD ONLY!*

Rusturf Tunnel; No danger

Route 113; No danger

Route 110; No danger

Altering Cave *emerald only* no danger

Route 111; Baltoy w/ Selfdestruct

Route 112; No danger

Fiery Path; No danger

Jagged Pass; No danger

Mt. Pyre; Shuppet/Duskull w/ Curse

Magma Hideout *EMERALD ONLY*; Geodude and Graveler w/ Selfdestruct

Route 112; No danger

Route 114; No danger

Meteor Falls; No danger

All bodies of water; No danger

Underwater; No danger

Aqua or Magma Hideout (the hideout near Lilycove); Electrode w/ Selfdestruct

New Mauville; Voltorb and Electrode w/ Selfdestruct

ROute 118; No danger

Route 119; Tropius w/ Whirlwind

Route 120; Mightyena and Poochyena w/ Roar *EMERALD ONLY!*

Route 121; Mightyena and Poochyena w/ Roar *EMERALD ONLY!*

Safari Zone; Every Pokemon there can flee

Shoal Cave; No danger

Sky Pillar; Claydol w/ Explosion, Dusclops or Banette w/ Curse

Victory Road; Hariyama and Makuhita w/ WHirlwind, Graveler and Geodude w/ Selfdestruct or Explosion, Aron, Lairon, Whismur, and Loudred w/ Roar

Granite Cave; Abra w/ Teleport

Artisan Cave *EMERALD ONLY*; Smeargle w/ Struggle (Sketch only has 1 PP!)

Desert Underpass; Whismur and Loudred with Roar, Ditto that transform into something with battle-ending moves

Faraway Island; Mew w/ Transform (your lead Pokemon might know Roar, Whirlwind, ect.)

Teleport; Wynaut, Wobbuffet, or anything w/ Arena Trap

Roar, Whirlwind; Cradily, Lileep, Octillery

Roar only; Any Poke w/ Soundproof

Explosion, Selfdestruct; Anything w/ Damp

Curse; Just don't let Dusclops's/Banette's/Shuppet's/Duskull's HP get below half!

Safari ZOne Pogeys; No counter, just luck.
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Those Mightyenas and Poochyenas you mention... it's for Emerald only.

Magma Leader Maxie

Non caedor caedo
Wow, this is nice and useful. I don't think I see any errors.

*POST EDIT* Since you edited the first sentence, I see no reason to leave the quote.
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Expert Evan

Old Fogey
I wonder which wild pokemon know recoil moves like double edge, submission, take down. Also a low-level wild gyarados knows thrash and can get confused.


Take Down- Wild Ponyta and Rapidash (FR/LG)

Also, wild Lairons in Victory Road might know Take Down (Rocky Head will negate the recoil damage), but they're not as dangerous as the Roaring ones. Maybe Sharpedos and Carvanhas know Take Down, too. And don't forget the Relicanth (but it can have Rocky Head too).

Edit: Humm. What about the wild Manetrics? Do they know Roar? (EDIT2: The answer is: NO. I checked it yesterday))
Uh, I think you can ind Roar-Whismurs somewhere in Emerald only. It's not the Sand Pillar, but... where were they now... the place where you can catch wild Dittos. Maybe. I must play more to find out that.
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Missingno. Master

Poison-type Trainer
Finnmonster said:
Take Down- Wild Ponyta and Rapidash (FR/LG)

Also, wild Lairons in Victory Road might know Take Down (Rocky Head will negate the recoil damage), but they're not as dangerous as the Roaring ones. Maybe Sharpedos and Carvanhas know Take Down, too. And don't forget the Relicanth (but it can have Rocky Head too).

Edit: Humm. What about the wild Manetrics? Do they know Roar? (EDIT2: The answer is: NO. I checked it yesterday))
Uh, I think you can ind Roar-Whismurs somewhere in Emerald only. It's not the Sand Pillar, but... where were they now... the place where you can catch wild Dittos. Maybe. I must play more to find out that.
It's the Desert Underpass. THanx for reminding me.


Speaking of Ditto, If youre not careful, they could KO you or themselves!

How to avoid:
Make sure Ditto doesnt Turn into something w/Self Destruct, Double Edge, Volt Tackle, Roar, Whirlwind, etc

If it does happen, make sure it turns into something with Rock Head/Have something with Damp/Suction Cups and your set!

• Mayuki™ •

*For safari zone~ just bring tons of pokeblocks


Back I guess??
.::Escalator::. said:
Be prepared!

For Teleporters:
Ralts w/ Imprison & Teleport

For Roarers:
Vulpix w/ Imprison & Roar
taunt! this also avoids curse, whirlwind, and some others. have a golduck or guagsire with damp and taunt can make a good job. (EDIT: I just saw now that no pokemon with damp learns taunt...)

I always walk with a master ball in case of a shining appear.

and in emerald there are also shuppets with curse.
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Life sucks, man.
In any case the chances of findin a shiny are 1/8,192 at all times. Sorry to be a wet blanket there though, eh?

Missingno. Master

Poison-type Trainer
Diljabar said:
In any case the chances of findin a shiny are 1/8,192 at all times. Sorry to be a wet blanket there though, eh?
Yes, but there is always the chance that someone will encounter a shiny Pokemon and NOT BE PREPARED! I had carelessly run out of Pokeballs trying to catch a common Manectric. 3 seconds later, the first shiny I ever saw on Ruby appeared; A Zigzagoon. And guess what? I HAD NO POKEBALLS!

In any case, this guide has the purpose of preparing people for waht might be the worst. THe stories I've heard....

Victory Road;
Wild shiny Hariyama appeared!
Wild Hariyama used Whirlwind!

Route 111;
Wild shiny Baltoy appeared!
Wild Baltoy used Selfdestruct!

Safari Zone;
Wild shiny Wobbuffet appeared!
Wild Wobbuffet fled!

This can happen to the unprepared. After the Zigzagoon incident, I never failed to catch another shiny.

Ice Cold Glalie

Well-Known Member
Diljabar said:
In any case the chances of findin a shiny are 1/8,192 at all times. Sorry to be a wet blanket there though, eh?

why are people so negative, look at the shiny list in my sig. So what they are rare, but are still easily found with determination

;362; ICG


Battle Pyramid Champion
My Makuhita has Whirlwind... And my Poochyena has Roar... Lucky me. :D

Very handy list, Missingno Master. I always try to train my Pokemon in shiny-safe zones.

Also, the most dangerous thing there is to the shiny hunter...
THE RED LIGHT OF DOOM (next to the word "Power")

Counters: Gameboy Player, stop as soon as your power light gets red.


Life sucks, man.
I caught a shiny Mankey a couple months ago, but I didn't know what a shiny was; I just saw the blinking stars and said, "Okay, I'm gonna catch it!" This was just past Mt. Moon and I had only played up to there so I had like 1 Great Ball and captured the Mankey with it. Sadly, the Shiny Primeape, as it became, is now gone, for the game was over-written in order to get a better set of Pokémon. On the flip-side, I have had Emerald since late August and am filling my Pokédex on the 2nd run-through and never have seen a shiny there, even with the soft reset trick. I am unlucky enough with the BF– do I have to be unlucky with shinies too?


Then get a mod to move it.

See my sig, I happened to catch a shiny Lairon off victory road. Lucky me, I paralysed it with Magneton's Thunder Wave and used a Ultra Ball (full health) before it used Roar.


Quite a useful list you've got there Missingno. Master. But that's why I always carry a Master Ball with me, just incase a second shiny appears, unless it's at a very low level I'll throw the Master Ball. After all these horrible stories of shinies escaping, blowing up etc I've read about, I decided to always make sure I'm carrying a Master Ball with me. But why didn't I throw it at my Shiny Golbat? I have no idea, I nearly killed it after all. But thankfully I caught it. Anyway, this will be quite handy to many.
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