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Dark Magician Beatdown/chaos

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I'm the Juggernaut!
Non-Tribute Monsters: 19

Skilled Dark Magician x3
Skilled White Magician x3
Gemini Elf x2
DD Assailant x3
Old Vindictive Magician x2
Breaker the Magical Warrier
Morphing Jar
Magician of Faith

Tribute Monsters: 5

Dark Magician x2
Dark Magician of Chaos
Buster Blader

Fusions: 1

Dark Paladin

Magic: 14

Mystical Space Typhoon
Dedication through Light and Darkness
Premature Burial
Lightening Vortex
Monster Reincarnation
Axe of Despair x3
Snatch Steal
Untied We Stand
Heavy Storm
Dark Hole

Trap: 5

Compulsery Evacuation Device x3
Spell Shield-Type 8 x2
Magic Cylinder
Call of the Haunted

Deck Total: 43

Advanced ban
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Try and get hold of a Dark Magician Girl, Sages Stone and if you can, Magician's Circle. You can use MC to get DMG out, then Sages Stone to get DM out pretty damn fast.


I'm the Juggernaut!
Oh yer. I fergot I even had Dark Paladin. I dun like using Buster Blader in this deck.... I think I could replace poly with a meta so I can substitute Dark Magician of Chaos for Paladin...

Yami Ron

Elite Member
Dark Paladin cannot be Special Summoned EXCEPT BY Fusion Summon, so you can't use Metamorphosis on Dark Magician of Chaos to summon him.


I'm the Juggernaut!
Darn. Guess I'll just take out poly and dp then. Any suggestions?


perpetually tired
Thunder Nyan Nyan is horrid. Why do you even have Thunder dragons? Deck thining? Look carafully, it is a level 5 monster, not 4-. It stink, put in a DMG and Sages Stone.


I'm the Juggernaut!
I play traditional bannings.

Erm, can't you read? Its saids chaos if you can't see it... Thunder Dragons and Nyans are such good chaos food... Thunder dragons you can just throw out of your hand, Nyans are good beatdowns and can be sent to the grave for a quick chaos food. duh.

Shadow the Hedgehog

You have to take out a lightning vortex.
I would also try to get it down to 40-45 cards.
That may be too many traps for a deck with jinzo.
And personally I prefer RftDD over Dimension fusion as you can use it even if you are down to 50 life points. And if you insist on the thunder dragons you could just throw in a Twin Headed thunder dragon. A thunder dragon and poly in hand and it's almost guaranteed.


perpetually tired
Actually, use Fusion gate and put in Twin-Headed Thunder dragon and Thunder dragons. Also put in Choas Sorcerer. Its effect may save you one day...

PS: Where the hell is Buster Blader


TCG Trainer
Ichimaru said:
Non-Tribute Monsters: 14
Skilled Dark Magician x3
Skilled White Magician x2
Mythical Beast Cerberus x2
DD Assailant x3
Breaker the Magical Warrior
Toon Cannon Soldier
Magician of Faith

Tribute Monsters: 4

Dark Magician x2
Dark Magician of Chaos
Chaos Sorcerer

Magic: 14
Mystical Space Typhoon
Dedication through Light and Darkness
Premature Burial
Toon Table of Contents x3
Snatch Steal
Heavy Storm
Dark Hole
Magicial Dimension x2
Soul Release
Nobleman of Crossout

Trap: 8
Dust Tornado
Sakaretsu Armor x3
RftDD x2
Torrential Tribute
Call of the Haunted

Deck Total: 40

This would be a playable DM/Chaos deck. And this build is actually interesting *considers using*

Could you look at the deck in my sig? Thanks in advance!!
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