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Dark Scizor-e


Rev up those fryers
Can I download Shadow Scizor in the United States? Where do I get the Scizor card? Or am I too late, or is that only in Japan?;488;


used Perish Song!
It's only in Japan. The room you would go to in order to battle the E-Card trainers was taken out in the English version.


Rainbow Trainer
I've been trying to get the E-cards, but all I have is a promotional card I found on Ebay that was given away with... something. I also need a Japanese E-reader as the US/EU/AU version doesn't use Japanese E-reader cards.

So you need:

Japanese Colosseum
Japanese E-reader
Japanese Gamecube or Freeloader/Action Replay
GBA with GC link cable

Considering Scizor is available in the main game is it really worth all that? For Celebi I can understand, but Scizor????