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Darn Tiny Woods!


Glitch Hunting Freak
Is it even POSSIBLE to recruite pokemon from tiny woods?!?! I have a +34% chance but nothing will join me! So can they join you here?!?!?

water types rule

Well-Known Member
No, they are not. If you went to the Other menu,then checked Recruitment Search, it would have told you that no Pokemon in this dungeon can be recruited.


Drifblim landing!
^^^I'm confused about that because in Tiny Woods it says ''None" but in others it says''No pokemon will join your team. Whats sup with dat?

When it says 'None" (Like it did when you were a fugitive) It's because there is a rule or reason you are unable to befriend. If it says "No" it means you don't have the Friend Areas.


Always Friends
Yeah, I do believe you can't get Pokemon from Tiny Woods. ^^


Zigzagoon luv
I wasted 46 of my minutes looking for a pidgey, anyway, It's still sad to waste your time.


Well-Known Member
Theres good news, rare or not, and the same method I got my Mawile. I just waited by the stairs on the appropriate floor and held A+B until a monster would come, and smack it and its friends till one of them joined me. Of course...theres a mysterious wind that makes you change floors sometime.