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Dash's Overworld map sprites


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Pokémon Center:


Creative C&C is encouraged,
if you want to use any of my stuff in your game then you are free too as long as I am credited.
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This is not a title.
Because I wanted to leave as much of the Window visable as possible and I couldn't think of anywhere else to put the P.c/Shop text.


baby tooth!

Hey nice! I like how creative those buildings look!


Well-Known Member
like the triangular-ish style you made those buildings

Umbreon Rider

Tolkien fan 4 eva
yes very good but looks too pre-fabricated

Lugia Tamer

< Is friggin awesome
I like them a lot, but I think you need some shading on the roof, just to make them a little less flat.

kuro mizu

.//SPPF's Emo Ninja+
its a very nice change from the everyday pkmn centers and marts. Id like to see some houses that you could make, maybe even your whole custom map. That would be cool. I want to see more out of you :3


Cool story.
Yes, please make more. There have been at least three experienced map makers (including me) that say your maps are awesome. That is saying something.....