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Dask's paridise



welcome to dask's paridise:D
this is my secont attemp at a comic my first comic did not work out :(
anywho this is my comic dask's paridise remember all comics are random
please relise this its pg 13 for language ant stuff....

eppie.0.5 intro
eppie.1 salad cream?
eppie.3 vinedoom da n00b
eppie.4 oh noes bad language
eppie.5 yay wingdings!
eppie.6 gasp no words

none :(


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jhoto moto

This comic is very good the fusions are good the background is good and the speech bubbles are good I seriosly like this comic I rae 9.5/10


sorry for the sort of bump but

finaly a new eppie ^__^
edit:fogot to add dask in 3rd pannel
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"Just kidding!"
...Beware, for this is going to be a LONG review.

Eppie 0.5 intro:
-"freind" is supposed to be "friend"
-Please capitalize when beginning sentences and punctuate when the sentences end.
-"he is the weakest and most dumb idiot we ever known" is supposed to be "he is the weakest and dumbest idiot we have ever known"
-Background is good, but the floor looks like you just dragged a straight line across it and colored it red.

Eppie 1:
-Please capitalize when beginning sentences and punctuate when the sentences end.
-Is the usage of cuss words really necessary?
-You do mean "tee hee" instead of "tee he", right?
-the rocks/cliffs/whatever they are are pretty average looking, but looks 2-D and it doesn't seem to match the background

Eppie 2:
-At least most of the dialogue have punctuation and capitalization, but still...do I need to repeat myself?

Eppie 3:
-Again with the lack of punctuation and capitalization....
-"safety" not "safty"
-how do you spell your character's name? "vinedoom" or "vindoom?"
-"vinedoom's" not "vindooms"
-"panel" not "pannel"

Eppie 4:
-no comment. Except maybe, "Okaaaaaaay then...."

Eppie 5:
-lack of punctuation and capitalization....AGAIN...
-"that's" not "thats"
-"character" not "charicter"
-"ive got a fealing this isnt pritty" is "I've got a feeling this isn't pretty"
-"this comic is getting more random" not "randomer"

Eppie 6:
-lack of punctuation and capitalization
-scythe in panel 2 is missing white (?)
-"toasted" not "tosted"

Overall rating: 1.5/10.
Lots of punctuation/capitalization errors ruin this comic. And bad puns and unneeded usage of cuss words ruin the comic, too. You will seriously need a good improvement in this comic. Even the BIOS of your characters have punctuation/capitalization/spelling errors which I am too tired to even point out are wrong.

jhoto moto said:
This comic is very good the fusions are good the background is good and the speech bubbles are good I seriosly like this comic I rae 9.5/10
I hope you're not being serious. The fusions are good, and the background is good. The speech bubbles aren't that good. 9.5/10? There are many other comics that deserve that rating, and this comic is not one of them unless it is improved significantly. Too bad Pixilated Penguin isn't here anymore, he's harsher than me when it comes to judging comics.
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Angel of the Skies
yes, PP was overly harsh, in fact, he would judge you about your grammar right about now, "more harsher" is, in fact, bad grammar.
You might want to remember that.


Paras is the shiz!
Grammar bad, effects aren't to great, broke the fourth wall, this definately isn't funny, word bubbles are okay, fusions are okay, I don't even get whats going on sometimes, like in panel 2 of # six. Remember randomness is funny, but only when you use it right. You get a 5/10. This is just average.