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Dawn of a New Legacy

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Well-Known Member
Ever hear of something called "creativity?" ^__^ True, it's not how the gameboy games work, but then again, Venutoise was in the anime but not in the games. :p They're allowed to use their imagination, and it makes Necro a far more memorable character than if he was just a plain old Eevee.


Yes, actually I have. @___@;; (Also, wasn't Venutoise an illusion or something?) Like I said, I was just wondering, I'm not trying to restrict the use of the imagination. But sometimes authors make an explaination for things like that, but don't share them. I was checking to see if that was the case, but I suppose it's not, which I don't have a problem with.

Elite Eevee

Venustiose was just Ghastly's illusion. Besides, even though it doesn't make sense, who couldn't resist Necro?
I don't mean to offend, but the confusion over the chapters is mounting to the point that my head will asplode. Just tell me when the site gets it. I'll just watch the pretty fireworks in my new avatar.


Sakuryuu, the game is different than the show and this story. For one thing, contesta are much different, and how could a Skitty beat a Dusclops with Blizzard? Y'see, the game couldn't very well create good crossbreeds of everything, so they just did it based off parentage. However, this story, not being the game, is entitled to add cute and/or clever details. And furthermore, they needed Necro to have the Goddess' symbol on its forehead and Absol aren't nearly as cute as Eevee.


Sakuryuu said:
But sometimes authors make an explaination for things like that, but don't share them.
There. See? I was just checking to see if there was a reason; I realize that sometimes there isn't really a specific one. I'm not trying to restrict the use of creativity in a fanfic, or specifically, this one. I just wanted to see if there was an explanation that I wasn't aware of.


I don't know about you others, but almost 4 months for one chapter of a fanfic is ludicrous to me.. especially if you have the number of people working on it that you do. Even if you write it in your spare time it shouldn't take that long, unless you are writing an obsurd amount of pages. I've lost interest in this fanfic with the long wait, so I hope you guys can get it up soon for the others that are patiently waiting.


o_O...................uh huhhhhhhhh. Well, see ya! If you can't stay focused on this fic then we shan't force you. But, one last thing, do you have any idea how difficult it is to correspond the way we do? We have to make sure something fits in with the rest of the story before we can put it in, and that can take a very long time. Furthermore, Speccy is writing ahead whilist we lowly co-writers write the present. Speccy already has a good deal of Orre written down, so the rest of the chapters should go pretty fast.


Sempai! Only in your head.

Elite Eevee

Orre?....You guys have this planned veerrryyy far ahead, don't you?

Dark Assasin

wel speccy has the rest are putting details and description to the story

At least thats what CT told me


Speccy knows the exact last line of the fic. Since it doesn't give anything away, I'll paraphrase.

"Serra always loved to sing."

Elite Eevee

So that's why I'm a crappy writer... Oh, uhhh, you didn't see anything. But I get it now. Once again, can't wait.

Elite Eevee

You don't just randomly ask that question. The authors are doing this on their own time, not writing this solely for your entertaiment.

Dark Assasin

I think that seeing as to how this fic already had multiple threads he/she must mean if a new threads gonna pop out


If that's what's being asked, then the answer is, hopefully, never. This fic has had multiple threads for reasons beyond our control. The first thread was closed due to way too much spaming on it and the second thread closed because Speccy was banned (or something like that). Regardless, I don't think we'll start any new threads.


n_____n;; I think Chosen means when is the next chapter coming out...


Well-Known Member
There is no way to tell. They will come out with it when they are ready. I know it's been months since the last update, but we must be patient. I also am aware that all of your patience is on the breaking point. Let me say that there are plenty of other things to do. Rereading the whole story will definitely fill your time. As each page takes about an hour to read, you will probably be here for a few hours. Or read clefairytenshi's story, that one coicides with tis one. Then there are plenty of other things to read ond do. THis is the internet, after all. And I shouldn't be the one to tell you what to do.

All I have to say is that I am amazed that so many people are still loyal to this story after so long a new chapter hasn't come out.


Soul Trainer
fweee new reader. Yay someone finaly exposed misty ans the ***** she is.
Prediction:The timetraveler will not be killed just what happen to the charizard and the others but that mewtwo will be killed unfortunatly.
keep going your doing great.
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